I own a 2005 pick-up. In your minds it is a gas guzzler. However, I am at the point where I have to choose between making payments, or buying gas. Fuel prices have depriciated the value of this truck far enough that I am too upside down in it now to trade it in on anything.
So, I am about excercise my option of giving it back to the bank. With a fresh repo, I won't be able to buy anything, so I will be digging my grandma's '73 Old's battleship out of the weedpatch. Yes it uses more gas, but no $400 a month payment. How many people are out there putting old cars back on the road because your forcing us to?
Everytime drilling for oil, or building a refinery in USA gets mentioned, the green groups sue it into a quagmire stalemate, and nothing gets accomplished.
Drilling for oil, and building refineries in the USA would drop prices signifigantly. Just look at Kuiait, and Venuzualea...they pay pennies a gallon just as we used to.