
Greenpeace - John Sauven, you plonker!?

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I just read throught this weeks sky mag, and John Sauven the executive director of greenpeace has had an inteveiw.

He wants to move to cornwall, and he is most angry about gordan brow going nuclear.

But wait a minute, due to the radioactive granite in cornwall your exposure to radiaiton is much higher living there compared to living right next to a nuclear power station. It seems he doesn't have a clue what he is on about, mabey his veiws have something to do with how he watches the simpsons all the time?

He also wants to get rid of coal powerstations due to CO2 emissions, leaving us to rely only on gas powerstations. Thus relying on one gas pipe line from russia. (and renewables but they don't supply even 10%)

It seems to me that he watches too much simpsons and has not got a clue what he is talking about. What do you think?




  1. I totally agree strategically we cannot rely on gas long term as our prime form of power generation, we must have alternate options. This means that some nuclear is a definate must whether Greenpeace like it or not. We do not have the benefit of huge quantities of natural gas or hydro-electric power and all the other options like wind power, solar power are poor providers. Our ultimate fall-back is always going to be coal because we have so much of it, but nuclear is a better option.

  2. Cornwall is a nice windy place the government should put thousands and thousands of wind powered turbines in the place just after he moves there. that would shut him up!!.

    nuclear is the only sensible mid term solution to future power requirements. I ask again of the environmentalists what are you going to do when the lights go out???

  3. Your reference to the radio activity in Cornwall being higher than being next to a Nuc power station is misleading.

    Granite gives of a R A gas called radon. In areas that are affected this is pumped out of a sump and is detected by simple radon detectors.

    The majority of houses and dwellings in Cornwall have had radon testing done.

  4. Avondrow has hit the nail on the head. Patrick Moor, one of the founders of Greenpeace, resigned for that very reason. I am an ecologist working in nature conservation, and am amazed and disgusted by the nonsense spouted by the environmental movement.

  5. Greenpeace are plonkers. They take emotional and irrational stands on issues they do not really understand, and promote criminal activities that do far more harm than good.

  6. Of course he said that, it's typical Greenpeace; a group of irrational, emotionally motivated, tunnel visioned hippy morons who are happy to sacrifice logical thought for the promise of thinking of themselves as moral crusaders. I wait with great anticipation for the day when one of them knocks on my door with their pathetic 'save the planet' c**p. They give the real environmentalists a bad name.

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