
Greeting from DINO ,Do you have faith in McCain?

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if so do you have faith in Palin ? thank you DINO




  1. No not with McCain.

    But I have faith in Dear Sarah. She'll be very successful in foreign policy.

    I think the Iranian leaders love to talk to her about any issues One on One !

  2. Yes and Yes! i think Romney would have been the best choice for Mccain but he decided to break from the expected, after i thought about it for a few hours today i thought , brilliant choice especially after i heard her speak at noon today! she proved she can play with the tough guys just fine. i think she is the real deal!

  3. No c'mon.

    Yes, she's hot.


  4. Way more then obama and his VP running mate that warned you all, months ago, that the role of President is not one that should be filled with someone exercising "On the job training".

    You maybe forgot that one but I didn't.

    You will be reminded of it shortly.

  5. I actually do have faith in McCain - though I am voting for Obama, I respected McCain.  I thought that even if he wins, it could be worse.  I don't agree with his policies, but I still would have supported him as president.

    Not anymore - I do NOT have faith in Palin and it scares me to think of her dealing with some international conflict. How are you going to send a one-term governor to talk down Kim Jong Il?  It is a scenario that is possible.

  6. Yes Dino,I do.  I'm very happy with his choice of VP.  

  7. McCain has given us change.  Obama has given us another racist.

  8. I am a strong supporter of McCain.  I believe he is a strong candidate, he has the experience to bring our country forward, but most of all, I now believe he is an ever better candidate because of Palin.  I've read a bio on Palin and she is one tough cookie.  She stood up to the big hitters of the Republican Party way up in Alaska.  She tore down the corrupt representitives that we had up there.  Shes not afraid to do what has to do to make reformation.  I really like her.  She will get stuff done.  The only problem I have with her is her foreign policy experiance.  Shes from Alaska... not much foreign policy needed up there.  But i think the combination of both McCain's experiance, with Palin's appeal, Obama - Biden will have to work hard.  

  9. No and No!

    What about Sara Palin's 20 months as governor makes her qualified to be president?  Face it, McCain is not just old, he is elderly. That makes his choice very important. He chose someone who he not only has met  once, but  has NO foreign policy experience(other than Alaska's proximity to Russia!) and is obviously McCain's last ditch desperate attempt to court the woman vote.  He must think women are pretty stupid to fall for this ...Does he really think that any woman would vote for her just because she is a woman?  Doesn't he realize that 'conservative feminist' is an oxymoron?

  10. No he is too old and ugly.

    Yes, Palin is good , even better than d**k !

  11. As a Republican that was looking for a reason to support McCain, in spite of his all to close association with the failed policies of Bush; I had hoped he would pick an experienced running mate that would shore up my convictions to support him.   He is very old, and if you watch him as he comes off an airplane at campaign stops, he obviously has some problems; doubtless tracing back to his heroic service to our country.

    So who does he pick.   A NOBODY from nowhere with no experience.   The talking heads are all saying she has executive experience- OH REALLY??? - 16 Mayors and 46 Governors have more experience running larger governments than she does.   And most I would not want a heartbeat from the presidency.  Her biggest experience is as the Mayor of a small town of only 8000, which is primarily a fishing village.

    And you question the experience that Obama has?  What, other than psychotropic drugs, is your criteria?

  12. i live in a small city in California and its still more populous then ALaska, what does that tell u about this woman and her experience?

  13. He did good & sured up the Conservative base.

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