
Grey's Anatomy quote? Richard Webber. The one about lions.?

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He was talking to Izzy about the resident contest, and said somthing about a lion fight.




  1. Around 3:30

    Miranda Bailey & Richard Webber:

    "There committed.  It's commitment."

    "It's a lion fight."

    "Okay, I have... The lions can fight all they want.  I'm not a zoo keeper."

    "Keep your animals under control."

    "Yes, sir."

    I wasn't willing to watch the rest.

  2. I jsut played it back on my Panasonic DVR.  

    "You didn't invent the contest....The contest is a lion fight. So chin up, put your shoulders back, walk proud, strut a little.  Don't l**k your wounds.  Celebrate.  The scars you bear are the sign of a competitor.  You're in a lion's fight, Stevens.  Just because you didn't win doesn't mean you don't know how to roar.  Goodnight."

    "Goodnight, sir."

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