
Grey squirrels hiding their nuts > what to do ?

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Hi Folks,

Holes in the lawn everwhere.

I would not harm a native black or red squirrel, but the mistakenly imported greys have taken over everything, including gardens, greens, bowls lawns, etc.

I have an air rifle at the ready for the vermin, but some say, as they look cute, it would be wrong to make a pie out the critters.

What to do ?





  1. Let it be.

  2. Not pie. Stew.

  3. I use a shotgun personally.

  4. No don't shoot them, the poor things. They are adorable and only doing what they know.How about instead of shooting give them another option like black oil seeds, they love them, and if they have a steady supply of them they won't be so gunghow on burying nuts.There are also humane traps you buy called, Have-a-heart, that you could catch them and relocate them. You would have to stay on top of it and make sure you didnt leave them in there very long.

  5. Place a Holloblocks

  6. Call pest control...or animal.

  7. Squirrels don't like moth balls.  If you can put some around they will stay away as well as mice and moles.  Just remember if it rains you will have to put out more.  A cheap, easy and animal friendly fix!  Remember.........most of us were "imported"!!!

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