
Greyhound Beheading/Decapitation Question....

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Why do people keep asking why didn't anybody stop the man??

It's really starting to get to me and no offense but people who weren't there sure make it sound easy to be a hero. People don't understand that they guy was getting blow after blow to the neck with a large hunting knife. By the time the bus had actually stopped i'm sure the man must have already been dead. Plus keep in mind this is a large bus with a Small isle so how are 5 guys gonna run to the back and stop the guy when all the women and CHILDREN, yes especially the CHILDREN are trying to escape? Of course it would have been a miracle to stop the guy but it just wasn't gonna happen. People did do the right thing though by trapping him in the bus. That saved lives.

Use your brains people.

And I am well aware of full details on the story, I do live in Canada and Manitoba is where I am from, Though I currently live in Niagara Falls.




  1. It is hard to say for sure what the other passengers should have done if the others making the judgement were not on the bus.

    I come from Canada, but I have a lot of unanswered questions about the incident.

    First of all, the victim is said to have received about 50 stab wounds.  I know that it takes more than a minute to inflict that many wounds into someone.  I initially had been left with the impression that the victim had been killed or almost dead before anybody else on the bus even heard any noise or suspected that anything serious was going on.  I can hardly believe that much.

    It is hard to say how much help is necessary to restrain and disarm a tall, muscular man in a demented rage, in which he appears to be exercising an unnaturally large level of strength.

    I also am not impressed with what appears to be the extreme exercise of "The Law of the Sea".  On looking at the pictures of the passengers outside the bus, I was left with the impression that most of the passengers were young and able-bodied.  Why, then should the female passengers been exonerated from doing their duty to contain the perpetrator?  Women do enlist in areas like firefighting and police work in order to do what they perceive as their fair share of responsibility, and not to be given special treatment.

    On the other hand, I can hardly believe that the passengers on the jets in the September 11th attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center would have just let terrorists carrying nothing but a few commonly used household items, take complete control of an airplane.  When over a hundred passengers are on board, you would think that enough of them could have banded together and stopped the perpetrators as well as helped to put the airplane on autopilot.

    I really do wonder about the full set of circumstances as well as the motivation.  I hope the press, police and other investigators are not going to lie to the public about it, even through omission.  I do not trust the press.

    I really do keep wondering if the passengers really just fled and did nothing.

    People need to come up with a contingency plan should these attacks happen again in public transportation.  For example, bus drivers and flight attendants should be equipped with mace or some other nonviolent way to disarm threatening passengers.  We need to learn more about it.

  2. well it is easy for people to blame but as we all know looking back the picture is a whole lot clearer..

    the people reacted in the heat of the moment and now have to live with that the rest of their lives. It is not everyday we face a crazy killer. right or wrong they probably would not have been able to save that poor kid anyways :(

    and you can not really compare it to 911, because the people were on a plane with no wear to go.. I am sure if they had the chance to run alot of them would of been out of there!

  3. What's your question?  Or are you trying to impress everyone with your rational?

    So you're from Manitoba?  That doesn't make you any more knowledgeable than the rest of us.  

    It is a very sad situation and we all feel violated by that maniac.  

  4. People like to think they're ""macho"" lol or something, when in reality they would probably SHlT themselves if they saw some guy cutting someone else's head clean off, and seeing it roll down an bus ile. I'd be scared I'm not even gonna lie, I'd be the first one to jump out the bus window like they teach you in elementary school

  5. **I totally agree with everything that you've said.**

  6. I agree cuz it's easy to say you would do this when you got time to think but it's a whole new story when you're in the situation and shyts happening fast...

  7. Would you feel the same way, or not ask why didn't someone stop him, if it had been your brother, father, bf, or husband murdered?

  8. I tend to agree with you. Assuming the poor victim was already dead by the time any ability to stop the guy would have been feasible, the best thing was to get everybody out and contain him until the authorities arrived. Being a nurse, I have dealt with CRAZY people (or people hyped up on drugs... or both) and they are not easy to bring down... let alone if they have machete. Their adrenaline is usually through the roof and they can be unbelievably strong.

  9. It sounds like justification to me.  I wonder the same thing and your answer doesn't work for me.  Face it.  The people on the bus were more terrified for their own lives than for the life of the guy being stabbed.  They acted on human nature, their own fear of death, and that's all there is to it.  Justifying the action may help them sleep better at night, but they still stood by and did nothing while a man was murdered.

  10. If it had been a woman or a child being attacked and beheaded, would your assessment of the situation be the same?  

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