
Greyhound Racing – living the bad luck

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Greyhound Racing – living the bad luck
The hardest luck of greyhound racing is the stark ends and concepts of those closely affiliated and knitted with it. Some respect the hounds who get them the success and prosperity that they have always deeply wished for. In return, the connections do not
train them as anything less than royalty, trying their level best to bring the entertainment at par with horse racing.
On the other end there are connections who have done everything to hurt the image of the sport, and make it look as horrid and as unacceptable as nothing a normal human mind can conceive or comprehend.
The allegations against some greyhound owners and trainers go as far as starving the dogs to death once they have served their racing period. The range of injustice does not stay restricted to the greyhounds, but the rabbits and hares too.
Some are so cunning that despite the law that negates the use of live lure, they are still on it, and because the hares are expensive, the trainers use it as a lure as many times as is possible or let’s say as long as the hare stays alive after enduring
attacks after attacks of multiple greyhounds.
The trainers pull the two apart so that the hare does not die instantly, and can be used for at least one more race.
Thanks to such pathetic and inhumane minds that majority of the greyhound stadiums across countries have been closed down, impacting the employees, wagers, and those fans who enjoy the sport as their second nature.
There is not only the gloomy and dreadful side to the sport, otherwise it would not have developed, flourished and improvised over the years. Thanks to people like, Owen Patrick Smith, who gave birth to the idea of mechanical hare in 1912. The racing initially
started off at straight tracks which were gradually evolved into circular and oval.
In Britain, the racing took its roots in 1926 when it was introduced by an American and a Canadian.
Horse racing no doubt is the king’s sport, but some devotion and true dedication to greyhound racing can wipe off at least some of the filthy stains smudged on its image.  



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