
Greyhound killing: If it had been a child or a woman, would your opinion be the same

by Guest44641  |  earlier

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Would the authorities be praising the passengers and the driver if it had been a woman or a kid? Would your opinion of whether the passengers acted properly be changed?




  1. I'm packing heat almost everywhere I go.  I would have shot that bast*ard dead.  I wouldn't have felt even a bit of remorse.

    Trust me, the real crime is probably still to come!  And I'm talking about the western world's weak stance on punishment for criminals.

  2. **For sure it'd be the same.  It's so terrible what has happened, it wouldn't matter who the person was, whether it was a man or woman, child or adult, black or white etc, no one deserves to die like that man did, it's just horrible.**

  3. I have to say something everyone keeps saying the passengers should have done something. But what would you have done? In a bus there is very little room to move let alone fight with a crazy with a survival knife. And for all those video game war hero's when your in real combat your so scared that your heart leaps out of your chest.and only the training your given keeps you alive. So for all you second guessing couch war hero's bragging how you would have done something, A retired RCMP officer told me when he was working they were told to shoot to kill someone with a knife just like if they had a gun. So I again ask you people your unarmed and a crazy man is butchering someone in the back what would you do??

  4. you bet ye.

  5. I think that this is just another on the long laundry list of HORRIBLE crimes being committed nowadays where there were people that COULD HAVE helped but didn't... just recently here there was that disturbing instance with the "man" who was on the side of the road with witnesses watching for a full 7 minutes as he punched and stomped a baby (1-2 years old) to death. A couple of people "rushed him" a couple times, but didn't do anything of substance to stop him. Finally when the cops arrived, one cop managed to shoot the "man" and fortunately struck him square in the forehead, killing him on the spot... there have been other stories, like the man who city cameras caught having been run over, passerbys/pedestrians gawked and it took over a full minute for ANYONE to try to help him...

    We live in a selfish society where due to personal safety's sake, we all fear to step in. I do have kids, so my top priority would be THEM, however, I KNOW my husband would have probably tried to stop the psycho with the knife... It's easy to excuse inaction because action is dangerous and scary, but ultimately, would it give the victim consolation that nobody helped because they were "afraid"??? We MUST keep central how what we do benefits or hurts the OTHER person...

    THIS story is a prime example of why we need more citizens to have concealed carry permits!

    Add: Just think back to 9/11 if you people want an example of unarmed passengers in a tight space putting an end to some evil, sick psycho's reign of terror. They utilized any tool they could and did not let the b******s fly our plane into their target.... we are NOT helpless any more than we choose to be, unless we're the one being hacked and stabbed...

  6. The authorities never want anyone to play the hero in a dangerous situation.

    My opinion won't change no matter the age or gender of the victim - the killer was a wacko that needs locked away for life or until he is executed.

  7. I think they are cowards and I hope that this haunts them the rest of their lives. I'd still think they were cowards if it had been a kid or a woman even more so. Those who disagree with what I say are also cowards who would just stand there and gawk while something is happening.  

  8. In my opinion, yes.

    People who weren't there sure make it sound easy to be a hero... People don't understand that they guy was getting blow after blow to the neck with a large hunting knife. By the time the bus had actually stopped I'm sure the man must have already been dead. Plus keep in mind this is a large bus with a Small isle so how are people gonna run to the back and stop the guy when all the women and CHILDREN, yes especially the CHILDREN are trying to escape? I'm not saying women were exempt from helping but they could have been mothers of these children, or maybe just too small or weak... Of course it would have been a miracle to stop the guy but it just wasn't gonna happen. People did do the right thing though by trapping him in the bus. That is the part that  saved lives.

  9. Nobody knows what they would do until it happens. Talk is cheap.

  10. ok some folks need to be reminded that this happened in canada and we don't carry guns here..unless it is illegal gun you got on you... so the chances of someone having a gun on the bus was next to none..

    well it is easy for people to say that someone should of did something. Maybe someone should of. Either way the people who were on the bus have to live with this nightmare the rest of their lives. They will always question themselves if they could of done something. There were children on the bus, I am sure their parents #1 thought was them. Some people in the front may have not realized what was going on and just were being yelled at to get off the bus. I am sure it was all out chaos. It is not everyday we see something like that.

      I have steped in on other situations before on the street, but before I did i always evaulated the risk. I have children who need me home, I can't be risking my life. If no weapon is seen that is different, the risk is lower.

    I believe if it was a child, the others would of rushed him. We have more of a natural instinct to protect kids. and men have more of a natural instinct to protect women.

    if I was on the bus, yes i would of run too. I know I am a coward maybe...I just know I am not strong and would probably end up hurt. If it was someone I loved being attacked, thats different.

  11. I never thought there was anything "praiseworthy" in how the passengers conducted themselves. They ran out of the bus. Nothing 'good' about that! I am not claiming that I would have done any differently in the heat of the moment. But claiming that the crowd did the right thing is nonsense. If it were a woman or a child I would hope that someone would have tried to help. But how is this any different from what occurred. The victim was defenceless -- as much so as a woman or child would have been in this sorry setting.

    All too often one hears of people ignoring a street beating: "I don't want to get involved" seems to be the mantra of the day. Something is wrong in praising inaction. Woman child or helpless vicitm -- it doesn't matter.

  12. Since I wasn't there... and neither were you... I have to say, "yes," based on what I know. They guy was already hacking away at the victim with a machete-like knife. It sounds like the poor guy (and in your scenario... woman/child) died pretty quickly. There were women and children all around. By the time the initial shock had passed, it would have been too late for the victim. The next priority would have been getting other women and children out of harm's way... which meant stopping the bus and getting everybody out... then containing the nut job until authorities arrived.

    Armchair quarterbacking is fun in football, but it is pointless in real-life horrendous tragedies like this.

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