
Grieving process over?

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i lost my husband of 27yrs..... 3yrs ago.... to a sudden tragic death... he was pronounced by the time i arrived at the hospital.....

since i have remarried... which i never thought i would do.... i think i was trying too hard to go on with my life... and now, so many times i feel like it all comes back on me.. just as painful as when i heard the news the first time..... i feel like i'm on a roller-coaster most of the time... the pain really doesn't ease like they say (it will get easier with time) you just learn to cope and deal with it..... so.................

does the grieving process ever get easier?

are there any good books to help through such a sudden and unexpected loss?

i don't believe in taking meds so i don't want to see a dr so they can tell me i'm depressed or put me on some med..




  1. Belief is the deliberate suspension of logic in favor of the unproven. Don't "believe". Find correct information and proceed accordingly.

  2. i'm sorry for your loss. my parent's best friend lost his two twin daughters within 4 months. the first daughter collapsed and died suddenly from an unknown cause (doctors now think it's because of her heart). his other twin daughter was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in the late stages 3 months later and passed away within a month of suffering in a hospice.

    the world is a cruel place and i'm afraid there's nothing you can do but be happy that you're alive and healthy. i know my parent's friend lives everyday with a smile on his face in order to make us happy seeing him happy. he still feels the heartache and it's understandable because it's hard to let go of someone who was so close to you. god bless.  

  3. firstly i am so sorry for your loss.

    it must have been really hard for you to be able to carry on with your life so give yourself a big pat on the back for that.

    secondly you would be completely wasting your time and money with specialists when you really dont need them.

    how did you feel when you met your new husband?

    focus on the good things in your life.

    also, dont feel guilty. your husband would have wanted you to be happy right?

    a lot of people experience this and are unable to move on or even find happiness again, but you have.

    so you have already made so much progress.

    the grief wont ever go away, but yes it will ease.

    time always helps.

    and you are so lucky that you have time and people who love you.

    maybe that isnt what you want to hear but there really is no short solution.

    just focus on what you have now.

    you have the rest of your life ahead of you.

    live it.

  4. wellll try thinking this way

    whenever u feel like ur depressed , think of all the good timesu had with them as their reminder and think tht they would want u to move on to

    u will not be able to move on untill u want to move on  
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