
Grinding! Help!?

by  |  earlier

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I am still in middle school and all the guys grind at our dance parties and it's not really something i feel comfortable with and if you don't your considered 'lame' and all my friends do...and personally its so not classy..what do i do?????




  1. I'm sure that there are guys out there who feel the same as you.  Check the sidelines for anyone sitting around and start a conversation and maybe you'll find one or you can dance with girls.

  2. just tell them it's's the truth

  3. don't do it

    if you feel uncomforortable..

    just tell themm that they are jack assess lol

    idk ...tell them its lamee

    hopee i helpedd


  4. Good for you!  Grinding isn't dancing it's dry humping in public.  Don't be afraid of what others will think.  Maybe convince a few of your friends to take up a swing dancing or line dancing class.

  5. Grindings not classy at all and used by desperate people to get a lay. Ball room dancing and the likes is classy, if you can learn this will definitely impress later in life.

  6. Just don't do it. No1 can make you do something you don't feel comfortable with.

  7. Then don't dance period

  8. if their your friends they won't care. especially somthing as silly as not grinding. just dance wih your friends or by yourself or with a guy. i do both.. cause i don't think grinding is bad its just dancing [but thats my opinion]
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