
Grip for golf????

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which grip works better, the interlocking or the overlapping, i have heard the overlapping causes loss of distance is that true??




  1. what ever is comfortable...i use interlock and i found that you have more control with that over the overlapping grip

  2. The ''TRUTH'' about both of those grips is that interlocking actually promotes the use of both hands as one unit or in other words each hand does not work independently. The overlap actually makes it easier to control the club at the top of the backswing with your left hand and release the club on the downswing with your right hand. Both work great I even suggest trying and over lapping index finger/putting grip on full shots to allow even more release and some pop!

  3. overlap grip, 15 years old, drive it 270.

    i dont think so ;)

  4. its just whatever is most comfortable to you..i use overlapping and i've never heard about loss of distance using it

  5. I think either work it's whatever you feel comfortable with like someone else said.  The biggest thing is that whatever grip you pick you need to make sure you do it right because even the slightest issue in your grip will ruin your swing.  So when you do pick one you can go to your pro and ask him to set you up right.  Your club pro could also see your swing and suggest which grip would work best.

  6. I have med-large hands, so I prefer the over-lap. Inter-locking grip is more common for smaller hands. Also, if you suffer from arthritis, inter-locking grip can cause extreme pain. (I suffer from that, myself). As for distance loss. Thats rediculious. The first 10 years I played golf, I used the interlocking grip (ala Jack Nicklaus), I changed for reasons given. My swing speed didn't change at all. If your fingers feel "cramped" in your grip, don't be afraid to change, but remember, it could take a while to play to your abilitiy after making this change.
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