
Grips Giving Me Blisters?

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I purchased the Golf Pride New Decade Multi-Compound grips about two months ago and ever since then I am getting serious blisters on my left hand thumb and they kill. I can't play golf two days in a row. Has anyone else had this because from the reviews I read they are perfect for everyone else. They are also fine for my friend. Any help? Don't say get new ones or something like that because that's obvious. Thx.




  1. Grips do not give you problems.  It's the way you grip the grips that are giving you problems.  Blisters are caused by too much friction between your fingers/ hands against the club.

    That means your hands/ arms/ body are not in sync with the clubs/ i.e. trying to manipulate the clubs, instead of swinging it smoothly, you probably have a lot of jerky movements.  

    Grips that are too tight will also cause blisters as when the club impacts the ball and ground it will transfer some vibrations and force to your hands, and if you grip it to tightly, guess what, it'd give you blisters.

  2. The possibility is your new multi-compound grip is not the right size for your hand.   It might be too thick.  Or   It could happen because the Core Diameter of the grip is smaller than the shaft diameter.  Causing the grip to stretched, thus bigger size than standard.

  3. man up after playing a while your hands will get callases and you will feel more comfortable holding the club.  i hate wearing gloves and after my hands got use to being beaten around by the grips i started playing way better.

  4. have you changed your grip as in how you hold the club? maybe you are letting your left hand slip alittle bit which does that. maybe your glove is too big for you and so you slide. i don't know i have never heard of this happening before. i would guess it could be this though. if your hand is slipping than try spraying hair spray on a grip and trying that. those grips do not have much tackyness to them so try that. don't spray directly hold the club a few feet from the spray. it adds tack to a grip. hope this works. try and update us.

  5. You are gripping the club  to tight  with that blistered hand.  loosen up a bit...  As for now get another glove for that hand. Its not unusual to see someone wearing two gloves these days...  Good luck..   Grant M in Pennsylvania

  6. Blisters can be caused by a lot of factors. I am going to assume that you did not get blisters before you purchased the new grips so I will just skip grip location, swing transition, and other swing mechanics. How long since your last glove purchase? Sweat/humidity of summer can cause blisters as well. If that is way of base go to the swing. The proper grip makes a big difference. How tight you hold the club. On a scale of 1-10 you should apply about 3-4 pressure. Are you pausing at the top of your swing or the opposite going into your downswing too fast which will case a natural friction on your thumbs. Start with the easiest and move to the next. Nobody likes to break a swing down at the beginning of summer.

  7. All Kidding Aside Your Grip Is Too Tight, The King Arnold Palmer Boost No Callouses On His Hands.

  8. Are you wearing a glove?

  9. You could sue Golf Pride, then I'm sure they would get to the bottom of why you are getting blisters.  Seriously man have you ever gotten a blister anywhere before?  It is caused by something rubbing the skin.  You are either gripping too tight or too loose and the club is moving around on your thumb.  If you are using an overlapping grip your left thumb shouldn't move at all throughout the swing.

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