
Grocery Bill Realistic?

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75 dollars every two weeks for two people? Is that realistic. This is not including anything but food?




  1. It can be done but man, will it be hard to be nourishing as well at just over $5/day.  I don't think it can be maintained for any length of time.

  2. in today's market.. yes

    I spend about 125 a WEEK on 3 small children and 3 adults... that's making lunch 4 days a week and dinner 7 no other lunches or breakfasts... and another 30-40 if I get laundry soap, paper products, toiletries etc..

  3. i go shopping for me and my man. and i go once every two weeks and spend close to 200-250 dollars. But i buy like everythign that will be needed in the next two weeks. i rather spend money at the grocery store than run to the quicki mart later and spend triple what i would at the store. and i spoil my man, i get him the best steaks, and the fresh deli lunch meats and cheese.  so i mean, you could spend less not being so frugile with your money, but we have the financial stability to do that. i know when i live on my own on a budget (when i was younger with a minimum wage job) i could live off 50 bucks a week. so 75 dollars for two weeks for two people? i don't think thats realistic.

  4. Buy 5lbs ground beef and separate into 10-1/2 lb freezer bags. $8.00

    Buy a bag of 10 chicken leg quarters and split into 5 freezer bags. $4.00

    Buy a head of iceburg lettuce. 99 cents

    Buy an onion. 58 cents/lb

    Buy 4 roma tomatoes. 98 cents/lb

    Buy 1 cucumber. 50 cents

    Buy fave salad dressing. $2.00

    Buy 2 loaves of store brand bread. $1.50  

    Buy a bag of 20 flour tortillas. $1.75

    Buy least expensive Salsa. $1.50

    Buy a pkg of 16 cheese slices. 99 cents

    Buy a can of Hunt's spaghetti sauce. 90 cents

    Buy a box of store brand spaghetti noodles. 50 cents

    Buy a store brand Ketchup. 75 cents

    Buy a store brand Mustard. 50 cents

    Buy a huge store brand tub of icecream. $5.00

    Buy a bag of white rice. $1.00

    Buy a big bag of Malt-O-Meal brand favorite cereal. $4.00

    Buy a gallon of milk. $4.00

    ______________________________________... WEEK GROCERY TTL: Under $40.00 Some items last 2 weeks or more....beef, chicken, salad dressing, condiments. Just replace what you need the following week for less than was spent the 1st week. Factor in T.P. and Toothpaste....If you really try you can definitely maintain at $75.00 for 2 people for 2 weeks. We do.

  5. No, you'll spend a lot more than that on food.

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