
Grocery store security??

by Guest57442  |  earlier

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how does grocery store security camera/people work

is there someone always watching live as people are shopping or do they review the security tapes later?

anyone know how it works?

also,i recently noticed in my local grocery store they have an actual guard with a gun,who stands by the front door (this is a publix)

why would they do this (they dont at other locations)

im just wondering if i should consider this place a dangerous place to shop and avoid it?




  1. i know a lady that works security at a grocery store. they sit in a room and watch a bunch of different cameras live. so they are watching people live, and if they see someone suspicious, they will come out in to the store to catch the person.

    if that publix has a security guard whereas other ones don't, that means that they have a higher rate of shop lifting at that particular publix.

  2. The armed guard means that this store has been a target of theft.

    There is no worry as they can ONLY detain the shop lifter until the cops come.

    Yes there is always someone watching and yes you are always on tapw

  3. I would avoid shopping at a grocery store that has an armed security guard.

  4. the guard can also escort to your car during evening or late night hours

    also a guard is more to show robbers dont come here!

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