
Grooms speech? Help please?

by Guest62268  |  earlier

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Is it possible to give a mention to any loved ones that have passed away without making it sound morbid?

I was thinking of giving a nod to those close family members that would've loved to have seen the big day, but miss out by being rather selfishly dead...




  1. in my sppech when i make my final toast to the bridesmaids im gonna say something like, "can we all raise are glasses to the bridesmaids and to absent friends" prob wont be word for word but you get the picture. hope this helps.

  2. Not everybody is accustomed to public speaking, so prepare notes. In Toastmasters we teach:

    Say what was;

    Say what now;

    Say what comes in the future.

    'Danny and I have been friends for..... When we first met we....When Danny and Diane met we lost sight of each other for some time. I think....

    Today, they are married, and they have the whole future ahead of them. We hope for maximum friendship, minimum conflict, maximum love, minimum strife, and a wonderful future filled with bouncing babies and a wonderful palace. As the pilots say: fair weather and unlimited visibility. Good luck and great happiness.'

    Fill in the blanks and adopt your own stuff.

  3. It's possible, yeah, but I wouldn't do it. Everyone will know that they're gone, and that's it's sad they aren't there. There are silent ways of acknowledging loved ones who have passed on. For example, for my cousin who passed away a few years ago, we're having an empty chair where he would have sat at the ceremony, and placing a single rose and a sign that says, "In loving memory of" and then his name.

    If you make a small speech about passed loved ones, you're going to make people cry and sad, and you don't want that. Don't relive their funeral, live out your wedding day, and give a salute to  your new in-laws, or your beautiful bride instead.

  4. In your speech, just thank those people who can't be there. You don't have to mention that they are dead. You can just say that you know they're there in spirit. Family and friends will get the picture without feeling like they are going to cry.

  5. DO NOT mention the dead, just give remembrance o those who are absent.

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