
Groping on a city transit bus during rush hour?

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am I the only female who has been groped on a packed train during rush hour? For almost a week now I have been going down to gym during rush hour and twice have been groped. The first time someone just groped me over my sweats but the second time, they had the balls to stick a hand up under my top. I was not able to see who did it and not sure what to do. Has anyone else experience something simular and would like to share?




  1. no but I like it

  2. that is extremely rude. maybe just avoid going at that time, or wear clothes that make it impossible to do this.

    its probably not the best option but maybe grabbing the persons arm to see who it is if it happens again may show you who to avoid.

    good luck anyway. no-one has the right to do that.

  3. When my mother was in Greece in the 70s, men on the buses would rub their penises against her. It was a very frightening experience for her, especially since she was in another country that she wasn't very familiar with.

    If it happens a lot, try pushing your way through the crowd to get away, or board the train by the driver.

  4. Frotteurism is a recognized psychiatric disorder and you'll find it listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). It is also a form of sexual assault and is punishable by law as a criminal act. Most frotteurs (but obviously not all) are young men under 26 - it appears that many of these guys grow out of it.  But not our hero below: he's a work-in-progress:

    "Just the other day I was on the train with this beautiful creature in front of me. Everything's going smoothly: I'm leaning in at a nice 80-degree angle, got a good rhythm going, when all of a sudden, the woman starts screaming and hollering. Talk about a mood-killer. Of course, they end up stopping the whole train, so now everyone is mad at me, and I've got two policemen asking me all these personal questions. What a hassle! Sometimes I wonder why I keep doing this. t's getting to the point where it's almost impossible to engage in a little frottage without some big commotion. Gone is the golden age of frottage... And women who did realize what was happening would just stand there quietly against the wall while strange men used their stiff, motionless bodies as a means of sexual gratification. Those were the days!"

    So SCREAM, MAKE A HUGE FUSS and wreck the pervert's entire day. Tell the conductor, and he can radio ahead to get some security/police to greet your friend at the next stop. You will be doing a PUBLIC SERVICE, good luck and make yourself heard!

    *Ummm... assaulting the individual or attacking him with pepper spray (which is illegal even to possess where I live), stabbing him or shooting him are more likely to land YOU in jail. Use good common sense. Leave the pepper spray for Bear Country.

  5. Human beings in general are crude creatures.

    In high school switched over to a different school, was more of a city school.

        It had a higher female to male ratio and for some reason each day this one hallway I toOK was mostly female students.

       After about a week or two of being constantly groped(17 year old guy first time you get groped by a chick it is like ok? but after awhile it got really really uncomfortable)

    I took a longer way going outside the building.

          The easiest thing to avoid it is to avoid large groups of people. Sometimes it is by accident(accidental brushing against you) but if it seems like it is keep happening yeah it sucks. The only thing you can do is be more aware of your surroundings, try and keep your back to a wall, and try to have breathing space.

        Other than that I doubt dressing in baggy cloths would help much. I would also suggest carrying mace with you or a tazer.

    And a camera, if you feel someone trying to grope you take a quick picture for the cops. Because chances are that person isn't just groping you. And if a person is a serial groper there making all humans look like dirt bags.


    Also once when I was 18 I used to go for long walk's in the city park where I lived(allentown) at the time. Thought I seen someone following me when I went off the trail so I went ghost and got out of there.

         Next couple of days I kept seeing the same weird creepy dude watching me. Then one day as I was about to leave the park he walked up to me and asked me if he could suck... yeah you get the picture. I ran like there was no tommorow.

         In hind sight I probally should of beat the tar out of him but I was alone freaked out + he looked like a mass serial killer so I took every back alley way home....

          There is alot of weirdo's out there. Dont think it just happens to women. Just most guy's bury that stuff and try and get past it.

  6. It really surprised me the first time, someone touching my rear on the train. I turned around really fast and yelled who did that? Looking at the sea of faces, they all looked dumbstruck.

    Could not figure out who had done it.

    Many other times I have been groped on buses and trains, someone actually rubbed up against me with their body trying to m********e, some dumb sicko.

    Most times I simply moved away, sometimes if I could see the person I would jump on their foot. It's happened in elevators and at concerts. Yech, people touching you without your permission makes you feel like a piece of meat.

  7. ick thats gross, just try your hardest to see who it is or step on them or if your back is torwards them elbow them

  8. You are definitely not the only one. I even had a real creep stick his hand up my skirt in the middle of the street! Then he ran....anyway, on the train, I was always taught to try to grab the persons hand while it's still on you (catch him in the act) and then yell real loud "THIS PERV HAD HIS HAND UP MY SHIRT!!!" The other guys on the train will take it from there. Or you could carry around a safety pin and stab them when they try it. Sadly I have never actually managed to catch anyone. But I can tell you that yelling as soon as it happens should stop the person immediately. They don't want to get caught and are relying on women being too timid to speak up. Yell "WHOEVER IS TOUCHING ME, KNOCK IT OFF!!" Yeah, everyone will look, and you might feel a bit silly, but that's better than feeling a bit violated.

    oh, and everyone who thinks it's funny to say What's wrong with that? or You should be flattered, I hope some a**hole does the same thing to your mother someday and see how great it is then.

  9. if you open some pepper spray on that packed little train. everyone will pay for what he did.

  10. Groping is nice, that is if it is coming from someone you find attractive, otherwise it's called uninvited touching...........Illegal!

  11. For petesakes, see a psychotherapist..

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