
Gross but i need to know if this is serious or not *10 points best answer*?

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recently iv had alot of weight loss, and iv felt extremly tired all t he time and for about a week iv been bleeding from my anal passage... (gross i know, but im kinda worried)

i havnt been to the doctor cuz im scared of what they will say, but what could be the casue of this?!

could it be serious!? its not a lot of blood but it is consistent and iv felt very weak latly and drained of energy.

im also bullemic, and when i vomit sometimes there is blood in it...


serious answers only please

thank you




  1. go to the doctor.. please for your own safety!

    hope you get well!

  2. go to the emergency room now

  3. could be your liver I think read something like this in a book with cartoons and taught me a lot like about small pox

  4. any real hot chilli lately? maybe wassabi?

  5. embaressing i know, ive had it to. what happened was that because i wasnt eating right, and not eating meats my body got deprived of nutrients and everytime i would go to the washroom there would be rectal bleeding. your bulimia may be a contributing factor. do not panic, try eating meat and vomiting a few less times. try this for a few days and see if you can correct it  yourself. if this does not help, seeing a dr will be in your best benefit. i was able to make my bleeding disappear just by regulating my diet. hope this  helps..

  6. wow you nasty mother ******.. and yeah.. sounds serious. i mean nothin in that sounds healthy does it??

  7. if it is bright red blood it is probably bleeding haemorroids.  

    if you are passing black stools (blood mixed with faeces) then the bleed could be higher up in your colon.

    your regular vomiting from bullemia could have caused trauma to your oesophagus, hence the blood in the vomit.

    any abnormal bleeding should be checked out by a doctor so please go to one.  I know it can be scary but if you get the facts then you can deal with the problem (if there is one).  If you don't see a doctor you will worry about what it "might be" but could be worrying over nothing.

    Good Luck

  8. I got this off a website....

    "rectal bleeding may be a sign of rectal cancer.The causes of rectal bleeding can be caused by, Hemorrhoids,Fistula,Fissure, Diverticulosis,Polyps and Cancer,Protrusion of the r****m."

    How old are you?Older people tend to get cancer or polyps.

    "Is there anal pain or stool associated with bleeding? Rectal bleeding always means that there is a problem. It is usually not a serious problem, but it should always be assumed to be serious until proven otherwise."

    Go to a GI and get an Endoscopy done. Hope all goes well.

  9. you got worms..or not

    Are you stupid go to the doctor...

    O the h**l with you...just drop dead you ignorant fool. Have you no conservation/preservation/survival instinct ???

    wish you a long and painful death

    be grateful they'll put you on the news...good ridden.

    Ppl with low IQ deserve they're faith

  10. DEF serious. You probably eroded your esophogus. You may have colon cancer. Since you are bullemic, your body is probably shutting down. Kidney failure even.  

  11. You shouldnt be embaressed, things like this happen to alot of people!  I wouldnt be too worried, unless it is alot of blood. If you have been loosing weight (but still eating your normal meals) it could possibly be a tape worm especially if your bum is abit itchy at night.. There are always the possibilitys of cancer and whatever but it is a very small possibility, I would go and see the Dr about it only because you are bleeding internally and you need to know what is the cause, there are so many things you could even have a stomach ulcer ect ect.. Also try and work out if the bleeding is coming out of your bum or is just around the rim, it could be that you have hemorhoids or having even cut your bum from wiping to hard.. I really hope eerything is ok good luck.. I am not going to give you a lecture on the fact that you are bulimic because I am sure you have heard it all before, but if you are vomiting regularly I would say you most probably have a stomach ulcer and the reason you are so tired is because you are depriving your body of essential nutrients that it needs to support your organs and in turn starving yourself of these nutrients will lead to organ failure and ultimatly death

  12. if you want to know wants happening to you, i advice you to go to the doctor, remember "prevention is better than cure". you should go to your doctor and have a check up on what's going on.

  13. Go see a doctor.

  14. GO SEE A DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY! you need help!!

    go to the emergency room right now!

  15. Get to the doc. Fear is not worth losing your life to. It could be just a hemorrhoid. Malnutrition can contribute to hemorrhoids. Be good to your body, Please! Eat something and leave it there.

  16. Consult a doctor tomorrow. It could be anything, related or unrelated to your weight loss, bulimia or liver. But it does require urgent QUALIFIED medical advise!

  17. I've heard this because it's what happens to babies sometimes, but when they are being born, they sometimes swallow blood, which is later through their stool.  You could be bleeding in your esophagus, from puking, and then swallowing the blood.  You could also be having a really bad complication from bulimia.  You need to talk to your doctor right away.  It could be very serious.

  18. is this a joke?

    if you are serious, and have these symptoms:go to the nearest hospital ER.

    bleeding from the stomach or a**s is not normal/not good/

    most likely they will take some blood, send it to the lab.

    may take x-ray of your stomach or bowels.Maybe even do an MRI.

  19. You NEED to get to a dr. ASAP Good luck

  20. This is not a question that can be appropriately answered on! You need to see a doctor.

    (And by the way...chili and wasabe do NOT cause bleeding!!)

  21. doctor, now

    S**t not even a doctor, go to the hospital

    and please for your own sake try to stop your bullemia

  22. You have to go to the doctor A S A P! promise.

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