
Gross question. I heard that if guys pull hair from thier nose it can cause an infection and kill them. True?

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Gross question. I heard that if guys pull hair from thier nose it can cause an infection and kill them. True?




  1. Same reason you could get an infection from pulling your pubic hair????

  2. please, tell me where you got that line of BS.

  3. it never killed me. but i usually trim the hair.

  4. False, but you could adapt that statement to stop kids picking their noses.

  5. that is the most retarded thing i every heard why dont you just ask if i throw a rock in the air will it get mad at me

  6. Any infection can theoretically kill you. A tooth infection in the top jaw has a very small chance of getting so bad that it can travel up the nerve and affect the brain. But when your body detect and infection, it sends in white blood cells. This causes swelling and raises your body temperature. In order for an infection to be tough enough to withstand this, it needs to be a serious one. Infected pores inside your nose don't qualify. So, in a long way, nah, sounds like bs.

  7. uhhh false.... how could that be true

  8. well in theory its true buts unlikely let me explain if you do this you will break the skin and allow infection to enter so if it spead then yes it could kill you but the odds are very much in youre favor  

  9. I hope not because I do this.  I do occasionally get a boil which I find repulsive, but I don't have to deal with the hair very often since I pluck them.

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