
Ground work/training exercises for mare and colt?

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My mare has had close to two years off from doing work, so I am slowly trying to get her back into shape. I dont want her to get bored with trails and ring work, so I am looking for some stuff to do to keep her mind busy. She used to know how to sidepass so I am going to work on that with her, but I would love some other suggestions.

I am also looking for stuff to do with my colt. he is three months old. He is halter broke, used to being touched all over, ties, and cross ties, fine with his ears and feet, and leads well. So I am basically just looking for stuff to work on him with to keep him busy and out of trouble.




  1. You sound like you are doing a great job. The mare definitely should start out slow like you said...and she should'nt get too bored with ring and trail work. But I guess..just doing stuff that she likes mabey like grooming or doing stuff she likes will help her not get bored. And with the colt...continue doing awesome with him! He sounds like he is far ahead! Mabey try some stuff that will aid in him being not spooky such as tarps, plastic bags, etc. you sound really good though!!

  2. I try to teach my pony tricks, but I think it would be easier if I started earlier.  I just started recentl, but our bond has certainly become stronger, and he's always eager to learn more.  Hope this helps!!

  3. Some ideas for groundwork...

    Find a crop or small whip and teach her to sidepass, turn on the forehand, or a haunch turn from the ground.  The whip is just an extension of your arm to TOUCH the sides or butt to get them to move over.  [Foal can do this too.  Don't expect perfection...but it's not a bad idea to start this kind of stuff.  Just remember he's a baby and only 'work' him about 5 or 10 minutes.]

    Work on backing up.  Foal too

    Work on leading her on the offside.  Foal too.

    Work on the forehand turns, haunch turns, and sidepasses from the offside.  I personally think this might be too complicated for foal.  But who knows...worth a try to introduce even quarter turns.

    Work on trotting with her and stopping immediately when you do or say whoa...instead of pushing ahead of you.  Foal too.

    Work on trotting immediately from a stop.  Foal too.

    Find obstacles for the horse to negotiate while you are leading...could be OVER things like poles or trees. THROUGH things like poles set in a pattern on the ground.  Foal too.

    You can do trot poles from the ground.  Foal too.

    Make little bridges or steps for the horse to work on and over.  Foal too.

    Teach him to tie...if he needs it.

    Desensitize to clippers, water, sprayers, plastic bags...whatever you may come across...

    Once I taught my mare to walk ON a 12x2 about 10 feet long, laying on the ground, without stepping off until we came to the end of it. [It was an obstacle in an in-hand class for my yearling]

    Don't lunge the foal...he's too young and you'll damage his legs and joints.

    Lots of things...Just keep thinking of things...Sounds like you're doing awesome with him!!

  4. Instead of just doing the longeing or circling, do join-up (called by others hook-on):

    Try teaching your horses to respond to breathing to change gaits and come to a stop. Here is an example:

    Try leading the horse in 4 different ways, using different positions:


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