
Groundwork exercises?

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My horse is about 4 years old, but has been in (light!) work for about a year.

I loose school him regularly, but do not lunge him often, as he seems to have too much energy and tries to run off...also I personally prefer loose schooling as there isn't a rope to interfere with things (and that is just my opinion, please don't attack me for it..)

Any groundwork suggestions for a young horse, keep him interested and build fitness? Any helpful ansewrs welcome :P T Y




  1. lunge the horse.. keep your feet in the same area.. don't let him take controll..he needs to stay in the circle. have him walk trot and lope/canter. take a lead rope and work his hindquarters by spinning him in a tight circle so his back feet stay planted and his front feet move around them.. back him up.side pass him on the ground. put your hands up as high as your head and cluck put your hands by his neck and cluck.. wack him ( not to rough tho ) if he doesn't move.. do this in the front end and back end  so hes side passing. walk him in a circle beside you. go in a round pen and  try to guide him without a lead rope/. but two sticks. have fun

  2. join up with him to gain his trust. in joining up there is no rope involved. then you will have a bond with your horse and that will help you exercise him cause he will want to work.

  3. trotting will build up muscle, as well as simple flatwork and pole work exercises. Things like changing gaits and doing plenty of circles will all help to build up muscle, but you may not want to do to much seeing as he is only young. Pole work, such as trotting poles will also help him. You could set them @ a standard width (apprx 4ft3 for a 16hh) and then shorten and lengthen the width so he has to think for himself and collect/extend, which will use different muscles and excert more energy from him as he will need to pick up from his knees and track more for shorter widths. Good luck

  4. Hill work would probably be good for him. I would also hand walk him on trails (if wide enough ones are available). it will keep both of you interested. Depending on how mature he is (you might want to wait a little bit) you could try free jumping him over low fences (start with poles and x-rails) Even if you plan to ride western he could have some fun with it occasionally.

  5. well the only way i work my younger horses is by lunging lol thats how i get there muscle development

    and for gaining trust and groundworking i use ropes ALOT

    they really help because i toss them on the horses back around there feet, and move it all round there head and ears... i put the rope behind each leg at the pastern and slightly pull out so the horse gives me his foot and this really helps with training as the horse won't mind ropes, and me picking up all 4 feet

    so i'm sorry if this didn't help because you don't like ropes, but i find they help alot more then anything else

  6. I dont know where you are located, however, if there are any hills around you can slowly walk him up them. It builds up muscle.

  7. cavaletties and figure eights in ring; hill work, more figure eights, and controlled pace changes in the field
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