
Group activity is being recorded in the management area in the Group Activity section, but why!?

by  |  earlier

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In the Group Activity section, there is an email commands link: click this and it takes you to a page which gives you info. on the site activity ie: Date, Members email address and Activity. What does this info. tell me and why is it there.. These people are not members of our/my group, so why is their activity being recorded, as such...




  1. Only members of your group should appear in the management sections.   Remember, their yahoo profile id's show as well as their email addresses.  If you still believe these people are not members, do a member search.  Its recorded to help owners know who comes and goes through the group. I use it every day!

  2. most of that is just spammers attempting to get in, most of those logs tell you very little but regardless, those logs are there. maybe as a reminder just how many spammers are out there, who knows

    if your group has been around for a few years, some of those logs will actually have things you've done- not that you'd ever need a reminder! if you never actually see a person subscribe, just by looking at those logs, those are spam bots and every group has a ton of them. those really mean nothing and I suppose a group who had open membership would be more affected by those spam bots. spam bots don't read group settings, they just get addresses and make lame attempts, and since they're not members of your group, you know your group is keeping them out!

    the other logs under group activity are much more important and you could gain important info as to who deleted what- who added what-

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