
Group member's msgs. showing as Spam?

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One of our registered group members sends email messages from her registered address that routinely get caught by the spam filter on our Y!Group. Looking for suggestions to resolve this!

Group: MothersAndMore-TwinCitiesEast





  1. hi!

    I had simmilar problem in my group and I have it sorted by turning off the spam filter.

    Thank god my group doesn t have public access, so all of the memberships need to be approved by moderator and it is very unlikely to get a spam message from e-mail address you know.

  2. The spam filter doesn't work right, it never has and my guess is it never will.  :-(  I've turned mine off, but new members and messages are moderated in my group.

    Hope that helps!

  3. Even though Yahoo has been working on improving the spam filter option, it seems to be still filtering out legitimate messages. Hopefully they will get it working better as time goes by.

    The group owner or a moderator with the assigned privilege can turn off the spam filter.

    Go to Management>Group Settings>Messages>Posting and Archives (click Edit). In the Spam Filtering column, select "Off". Click on Save changes.

  4. Our Group is set to

    Anyone Can Post Messages

    and as a result we get a couple of dozen spam messages every day, all of which end up in the SPAM folder which can be cleared out with one click on the [Empty] button.

    We have recently had only two messages from legit members gone astray into the SPAM folder, and it was easy to approve those messages.

    I am not sure what caused the legit messages to go to SPAM - the same member posted since  without going into SPAM.  The only difference I noticed was that the messages that went to SPAM were composed of a very short answer and a VERY long original quote.


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