
Group postings ending up as spam?

by  |  earlier

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I am the owner of a group and am having a problem with my member's posts coming through as spam. Originally, it was just one specific person, but now it is all of the members. On top of that, my notifications through Yahoo, to let me know that there is potential spam, are ending up in my spam folder! Does anyone know how to fix this problem?!




  1. the spam filter is faulty, I never snagged a real spam post in it yet- only members posts which are not spam.

    only choice, shut it off

    How do I turn Spam Filtering off?

    Here’s how to turn Spam Filtering off:

    From the list on the left, click Management.

    Click Messages under Group Settings.

    Click Edit next to Posting and Archives.

    Select Off under "Spam Filtering".

    Click Save Changes.

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