
Group riding?

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I realize that many sure dont know how to ride in a group. side by side is a no-no and very dangerous! but then many people dont like to stagger formation, how do you ride?




  1. Very good qeustion. Our group consist of all very experienced riders and we ride in this fashion

    AA/staggered on the open road

    BB/in line nose to tail around curves

    CC/pull up alongside only when stopped at intersections

    DD/passing initiated by the lead dog, but each subsequent      rider makes his/her own decision when to continue passing.

    EE/no lane splitting as a group ( allowed in certain staes and I think that California is one of them)

    FF/All inexeprienced riders ( anyone qho has never ridden with our group or who is unfamiliar with group dynamics) is defnitely in the rear. Most likely if one guy goes down or makes a very severe lane adjsutment-braking maneuver-aversion to road hazzard)this will effect many behind him...) We feel that the odds are heavily in favor of this happpening to the lesser experienced group rider than not. For this reason they are at the tail of the ride.They quietly observe how the pack rides / the speeds/ thre cornering on exits / the signaling / the passing protocol / the rhythims of the riders crusing along the highway,etc

    Above all, we make every effort to ride safe while at the same time enjoying the ride

  2. in most states and provinces it's iligal to ride side by side or in a group but 2 ppl next to each other is ok!

  3. I agree with Byron, except under some conditions you should go to the inverted V.

  4. I insist on a V formation like the geese fly.

  5. it depends on how many people and the overall skill of the group. However stagger is the safest

  6. Both are legal in my state but the savvy riders stagger.

  7. Corners are staggered, straights are more of a side by side. Stop lights and in town super slow riding we do side by side.

  8. I don't ride in a group over 8 people. Any more than that and it's a pain to keep together. My group doesn't block intersections or traffic circles just so we can go by-unlike a lot of HARDCORE BIKER DUDES I see on their Hardlys all the time.

  9. our club rides in a stagger formation on roadways that are wide enough to do so safely. We maintian a 1.5 to 2 second interval between you and the bike directly in front of you. when roads narrow, or get to twisty, the lead rider signals for single formation. We only ride side by side in parades.

  10. single file i***n style What else -

  11. i never ride with a group

    to easy to get killed by them

  12. Solo.

    I generally avoid group rides. Lots of reasons.

    When I do get to group ride, it's usually a large group, made up of people from different groups. As you see in the other answers, groups don't all work the same. The result is a large number of bikes with groups within groups and nobody really knows what everybody else is doing. Clusterf_ck waiting to happen. In those cases, I pick a spot to the rear so I can see and avoid what's clearly going to happen. Most groups I've been with use a stagger, but it always falls apart.

    When I rode with the guys from work, it was only the three of us. In stagger, me at the rear.

    Side by side is allowed in some places, yet it's dangerous.

    I do it with only one person. We ride together and get in synch before riding side by side.

  13. you really dont need to ask this question. if its safe ride side by each. if its not safe dont do it. never ride side by side with someone unless you know -THEIR RIDING ABILITIES-. riding side by side with your best friend is cool and all but if your best friend cant ride than you are in danger. respect also has a lot to do with it. if your riding side by side and you come to a hazard and your only two options are to either avoid it and take your buddy out or just hit it.... be curtious and take the fall yourself.

  14. Most of the time single file, sometimes staggered on Interstate. The only time I have ridden much side by side is in a funeral procession.

  15. I don't think you can

  16. It is illegal here in Ohio to lane share so we stagger with the least experienced toward the front in the middle of the pack.

  17. Both ways depending on the highway. Four lanes, side by side, oncoming traffic or country roads, stagger.
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