
Groups of likeminded people.?

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Does anyone know of a website where I can find people who like to live simple lives.

I enjoy the simple things in life and would love to purchase a piece of land and live as self sufficient as I could.

Building a home from recycled materials, having solar power and hot water. Recycling etc.

I would like to find a blog of like minded people, possibly meet people who may in the future like to pursue this is lifestyle.

I am not a "tree hugger" or a "peace angel" I just like simple things!






  1. The thing about this is that although i would count myself among their number, a lot of them are not going to be very keen on the internet.

    I'm not being at all critical, i just wanted to point that out.

  2. Nothing wrong with being a "tree hugger" or "peace angel" actually . . . they're just labels, and good ones in my opinion . . but i digress.

    You can also check out the Fellowship of Intentional Communities and google "sustainable communities" or "ecovillages"

    I'm involved in a unique program certified thru the UN called Ecovillage Design Education that is training folks for thinking in terms of sustainable lifestyle living whether alone or with others and have met quite a few people who describe just what you did.

    There is also a catalog called Real Goods that covers solar and self sufficiency that might have further resources.

    Or you could just start a meetup. com group or advertise for a discussion group on craigslist or yahoo.

    Good luck!

  3. i think we should meet ;)

    i really wanna build a straw bale house and live a similar existence.

  4. Here is one of my favorite reads:

  5. Live in the mountains of Nepal then. It's a lovely life here and I have settled here. things are simple and so is the lifestyle.Of course linguistics would be a problem though. You will easily learn it in a few years time. Here solar panel and petroleum are unheard of. But people do live in a sustainable way. In their fields you can see all the vegetables you can Possibly name. Only organic manure (pesticides and fertilisers are unheard of). They keep cows and chicken and even their own fish in their backyard. It's a simple life. I am the only one with an electrical input in the whole village and a laptop.

    It's a simple life. And a very complex culture.

  6. Do you want to meet more people because you want to live in a commune of some sort?  Not in a cult-y way, of course...

  7. Cool!

    Check out and

  8. Look on yahoo groups, and type in things like self suficency,  homesteading, and green living.

    I belong to several homesteading groups.  Some of them are very, very good.  

    With self suficency, you have to weed out the groups that have the guns & bunker mentalities.

    You can also type in what KIND of green construction you are interested in, like straw bale, or rammed earth.  

    There are actually hundred of groups on yahoo that you might be interested in.  

    Just be willing to acept the fac that no group will "fit" you 100%.  Someone is always going to have different ideas from yours, that are right for them, but not you.  Be willing to acept that, and you can learn tons on those groups.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

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