
Grouse Hunting ?

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I am about to get my hunting license and i want to hunt mainly Grouse . What gun is best to hunt them , a Shotgun maybe ? And are they hard to find and where can i find them ? I live in Southern Ontario , but i can travel .




  1. Get a 12 gauge Remington 870. Goruse love thisk cover so wear clothes that don't snag much on briars. Stomp around until you flush one out and chase it until it tires out and you get an easy shot. You have to be in good shape...

  2. .....Shotgun. 12 gauge, 20 gauge, .410 all work the best.

    ......No, at your locan sporting goods store, gun shop, auctions, etc.

    ......The "best gun" is a matter of opinion

    Depends on what you get for cost

  3. Yall need to get a long barreled marlin shotgun cause them grouse fly high and you need to get to em and for the price they range from $200-$400 and as for the location that you can find grouse: I don't know sorry.

  4. a .410 shotgun is best for grouse,  find them in the woods (early morning is best I find).try this website for more info on hunting in ontario,

  5. In England we like to use a light weight shotgun. The Grouse is a fast moving bird.

    On the grouse moors of North Yorkshire only a pair of fine London made side x sides will cut the mustard.

  6. A tasty creature the Ruffed Grouse. You must scout, preferably before the season to locate the birds in the woods.

    I like 20 gauge for my little feathered friends in a Charles Daly Limited Edition Over/under 26" shotgun. there are lots of shotguns available in 12, 16, 20, 28 gauge and 410 caliber. Prices vary from about $200 to several thousand dollars.

  7. a 12 guage shotgun w/ 2 3/4 inch shells no. 8 shot or a bolt action 22 (lr) which doesent blow them up using cci long rifle mini mags for slightly longer range and subsonic hollow points for closer range
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