
Growing Wheat?

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Hey, lately I've been curious about wheat and I hope to grow some in my backyard next year. However, personal mills are very expensive, and so I was wondering whether it is possible to ground wheat into flour via a good ole fashion mortar and pestle?

Also, if anyone can give me any pointers/direct me to any helpful webites about growing wheat that would be awesome. :)




  1. Not really - the product you'd end up with is lots of big peices, and just a little finer bits, and a arm that is so sore you won't be able to use it for a week.

    Cheaper to use (and MUCH easier on the body) would be an old fashioned coffee mill.  The crank goes around the top, and there's a little drawer on the bottom that gathers the ground product.  My daughter's preschool used one so the kids could help grind the wheat before they helped bake bread.

    For that matter - you can use an electric coffee bean grinder.  You'd just have to do lots of little batches.

    Wheat needs lots of sun - and you need a LOT of space for it.

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