
Growing celery...?

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Hello! I live in a semi-arid area, where the soil is red-clay and doesn't hold moisture very well. I understand that celery requires a lot of moisture... will celery grow well in this type of soil? or am I wasting water and effort?




  1. You could try. My aunt lives somewhere with all red soil and they grow lots of stuff. I can't remember if they ever did celery, but...she hardly BUYS vegetables, so you might be able to do it. Maybe just make sure the soul around it is more loose and give them more water than you would other plants.

  2. Clay normally holds too much water.  I would add Gypsum first to the soil, so it will drain better.  Add your "Blood n bone", composts etc .. it will do fine.



  3. Celery is more difficult to grow than most garden vegetables.  It needs a long, cool growing season, lots of water, but not soggy soil.  You probably would have to amend the red clay with lots of humus, compost or vermiculite so it would drain properly and plant the celery in the very early spring.
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