
Growing grass!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i'm going to be spreading some earth and throwing some grass seed in my backyard. I was wondering if theres any special technique i should do to help along the prosess.

your help is greatly appriciated!




  1. water every day and you can get starter ferlizer

  2. Preparation of a lawn's planting area is important,  as it will be supporting the growth for many years to come.  Remove rubble, old roots etc,  and ensure that it's level.   I prepare down to a depth of 2 feet or so,  and grass roots will penetrate even further down over time, in their search for water.  As you're digging fairly deep, it can be worth allowing the soil time to collapse and settle,  as it's better done at this point, than after you have sown your seeds.

    Rake the surface so that it's really fine.  It helps to stamp down the soil by trampling over, or use a roller, so that you can prevent an uneven lawn surface later.  Spread your seed so that it's evenly distributed - sometimes it helps to hand spread in a couple of different directions to get a good balanced spreading.   Firm down the seed again after sowing, with a roller if you have one.

    Choose a grass seed that's compatible with your location, as well as its intended use. There are northern and southern mixes.  Rye grasses tend to be used for lawns with alot of wear and tear on them, as they are pretty tough grass types.  Some grasses are much finer than others too,  so ensure you think about what you want your lawn to be used for,  and then buy accordingly.

    Mixing in some fertilizer into the soil will help your grass grow away. Fertilizers come with an N:P:K ratio, the N is Nitrogen, P is Phosphorous, and K is Potassium.   For root growth you'll ideally get a mix that's got a higher Phosphorus level, such as 15:20:10.  (Nitrogen promotes green growth, and Potassium promotes flowering, which you won't really need!).

    Birds may come to prey on your lawn, so it's worthwhile having some streamers etc, that will scare birds away.

    You'll need to water your new lawn every day, until a few weeks past the seed starting to grow, whilst the roots establish themselves.  You can ease off from watering as the grass gets established, for example try leaving it to every other day, and see how it looks.  If you've got scorching weather, watch out that it's not too stressed and dried out, as the fine roots won't be too deep into the ground for a while, and thus able to support much water loss.

    Don't be in a rush to mow it,  waiting until it's at least 3 inches tall, and then only take a maximum of 1 inch off it.  It's never good to remove more than a 1/3 of a lawn's height at each mowing, as it stresses the plant.

    Feed it again around a month after seed germination, and this will really strengthen its growth.  With young lawns I use a liquid feed, as this prevents leaf scorching that can happen with dry fertilizers.

    Final tip - get people to stay off your lawn whilst it's establishing itself, as it will be at its weakest point in its life.  Remove any weed seedlings that grow - and they will!  Don't use a weedkiller for

    Hope this helps.  Good luck!  Rob

  3. just as long as you arent growing "grass"
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