
Growing population: effect-growing unemployment,result in growing various crimes.What may be the best solutn?

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Growing population: effect-growing unemployment,result in growing various crimes.What may be the best solutn?




  1. I know what you mean by all these problems our country is facing.  The unemployed is not something to blame on unemployed people that are job searching.  On the other hand; we are facing over-population, because illegal immigrants are getting away and escaping to our country.  Then they take up room and that's less living space for american.  

    The unemployed problem needs to be blmaed on some of the employers in our country.  I was job searching for 2 years and it took 2 full years for an employer to hire me.  I was clean, well-dressed, pleasent, calm, and 100% able to do any job I applied for.  I was applying for jobs at supermarkets, pet supply stores, resturants, hotels, coffee shops, department stores, convenient stores, and at gift shops.  These places were hiring; it's just that job applicants are treated unfairly and they are rejected from a job they can perform.  

    I once applied for a cashier job at a Petsmart store.  The hiring manager was hiring at the time, and he was going over applications.  I applied online for the d**n job, and called him about my application.  When I made the phone call about my application; he refused to interview me because I wasn't a girl.  That is gender descrimination.  Instead of job applicants being treated with respect; they are being descriminated and they can't get a job and earn a living.  Blame the employers that are descriminating job's there fault for the employed and poor people rating in our country.  

    You don't know how many supermarkets put up "HELP WANTED SIGNS" and then they never interview people who are unemployed and willing to perform the job with effort.  Our country won't even do anything about the descrimination that job applicants are getting.  Most of the job applicants thar are being descriminated are facing money/financial issues and can't affort to hire a lawyer.  It's somehow our country is fighting g*y marriage, but they won't fight the descriminating employers in our country.  Does that make sense?  I think you understand it now.

    About the crimes; I just think poverty is so high that it's something criminals aren't going to take control of.  Of course "police" aren't helping anything with the crimes.  They just pull-over inocent drivers for doing things they aren't doing wrong.  Sorry for my critism, but these are the causes for all these problems.

  2. Vote Obama.

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