
Growing tall corn stalks. ??

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For many years I have been trying to grow taller and taller cornstalks. I have been using hybrids, open-pollinated, even de-tasseling and "breeding" my own corn.

have played with different combinations of sun/shade (we have some areas near the edge of a forest) and fertilizer types/amounts , as well as varieties of corn (Goliath silo, Jala landrace maize, etc)

My personal best so far is only about 18 feet 4 inches (which still looks "crazy tall" next to the rest of the regular corn)

Just wondered what other stories, experiences, or tips/tricks anyone else has .... love to hear any and all comments !





  1. When young plants are about a month old and can tolerate it, we literally "pour" just plain good old nitrate around the base of the plants, we use enough so it is about an 1/8 inch thick on the ground, usually the plants will go a little yellow but within a few days they bounce right back and go nuts, really take off from that extra boost. You might give it a try. We sure get good corn and lots of production. Good luck.  

  2. My parents grow a garden every year.  One year our good friends/neighbor snuck in and planted some 15 foot hybrid corn at the end of my parents corn rows early in the year.  My parents were shocked that that corn grew 15 foot tall and my neighbor was laughing the whole time.  My parents really thought they had something special.

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