
Growing taller at age 17?

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Hi im 16 male will be 17 this about 5.8 ft and my dad is maybe around 5.11, hes about somewhere 3inches taller than me...can i still grow? but i must admit my diet hasn't been too good two years ago-barely ate anything for maybe like 5 months coz of stomach problems and getting surgery n stuff which wasn't too good...can i grow to my dad's height if i have a good diet n exercise consistently?




  1. You will probably peak at 5'10 at 18 when males usually stop growing.

    Plenty of protein (meat), calcium (milk) and zinc (red meat, oysters, mussels and nuts) will help your destined normal growth and a deficiency can stunt it.

    Under eating can stunt your growth.

  2. Yeah I have a friend that grew like 3 inches since he started college (hes 21 now)

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