
Growing taller.............?

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Hi,I'm 13+ and 5'5 .And I'm a tennis player.As you know Maria,

Ivanovic and others are pretty tall.So I really really need some exercises or any other things that can help me grow.






  1. If your a guy well than you still are growing in fact you have just started growing and take my advise ENJOY being short i am 5'9 and HATE it so if you were taller you probably wanna be shorter!!!!!! And i hate to break it to u but you really don't have any control over how tall you are its all genetic so just enjoy how you are and love yourself for how you are! Cause you still young and your most likely not done growing you could try drinking lot of milk but, i think that just might be a myth!!! SO GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8< )

  2. Eat good diet, drink calcium, MILK and exercises regularly

  3. hey dont worry about height, its all about tennis talent and turning that talent into skills and learning to use those skills in the proper way! i mean look at ivo karlovic,he is really tall but not that great a player. justine henin is only 5'5 and she is number 1 and has many grand slams. its about working hard. besides ur only 13, so u have many more years of growth in u. u dont stop growing until ur 25. once u reach 21 ur growth will slow but still increase little by little. ur just beginning ur growth period believe me. if u want to accelerate ur growth, eat vegetables, drink milk, eat food with lots of protein,vitamins and calcium, they help ur bones grow. u also need to get alot of sleep.8 hours minimum. and do lots of stretches, especially legs. if ur legs start having pains in the night,then that means ur growing. google what stretches u can do for ur legs. But as i said height has nothing to do with being a good tennis player,just ask justine henin!

    goodluck with everything ok!

  4. play b-ball. it helps grow bc of the continuous jumping. your limbs extend since u reach so much when u jump for the ball or jump to shoot.

    That's at least what my uncle told me, lifting weights and stuff stunt ur growth, so dont do that until ur done ur growth spurts.

    hope it helps!

  5. Don't worry much about your height. At your age, I'm sure you will grow to be as tall as your idols

  6. Yeah, check out and check out some of the player profiles.  The Williams sisters and Sharapova and Ivanovic are tall, but a decent share of the top 20 are not that tall.

  7. it dosent matter about your height you should be happy your not tall becasue you need to go to diffrent stores just to find your size so just practice and you will become better and dont worry aboout your height

  8. There's a lot of great short players in the game.  Agassi was a giant killer.

    Anyway, if you must grow taller, this worked for me:

    start taking calcium pills (don't know what the recommended amount is for a girl, so i won't give you advice on how much)

    For me I took 3 pills of calcium a day, and 3 times a day would basically do chin-ups, hanging from a bar, or a basketball rim, or a tree branch will work even.

    I grew 2 inches doing this when i was 25, so it's never too late I guess.

    -Tony B

  9. Ummm...  You can't really do that.  Sure, you can live a healthy lifestyle and such, but much of height is genentic.  There's not much you can to to make yourself taller.  If there was, hardly anybody would be under 6 feet.  I'm only 5' 10", and that's as tall as I'm going to get, but I'm still pretty good at tennis.  And I don't think that being 6'2" would automatically make me play like a pro.  Actually, the top guy on our college team is the shortest on the team.

    Oh, yeah.  You're only looking at the exceptions in the women's tennis world.  Remember, all the tall girls have been getting beaten up by a 5' 5 1/2" tall Belgian named Henin, who happens to be #1 in the world.  Just looking through the top 15 or 20 ranks of the WTA, I'm seeing that most seem to be under 5'10".  Just Venus, Sharapova, and Ivanovic are 6' or more.


    its very helpful

    dont worry you;re still growing

    get lots of sleep and eat fruits and vegetables, drink milk

  11. eat lots of fruit and vegtables

  12. Just make sure you stretch A LOT after all exercise because growing pains are a beeech.

    I went from a short/average size to tall in one year I grew FOUR inches!! Talk about pain!  I didn't know about stretching or Aspercreme back then, but I would slather myself in that if I knew about it!  My mom was so sweet, she rubbed the back of my knees.

    So, if you shoot up suddenly, that might hurt. Otherwise don't worry about height. Justine Henin gives everyone a tough time and she's short.

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