
Growing taller than parents?

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Do children normally get taller than their parents?

Like the son is taller than the father

Or the daugther is taller than the mother?

Is that always true?




  1. I dont think thats always true , in some cases it is . i know im taller then my mother but that wasnt hard , she's only 4'10" lol but then again im only 5'0"

  2. There is no hard and fast rule... in general, a child of short parents will be relatively short and a child of two tall parents can be expected to be taller.  However, LOL, I'm 5'4" and my DH is 5'7" and our son is in the 90th percentile for height (there is some height on my mom's side and my hubbie's dad's side of the family).  There is something to the generational thing that said for the past couple generations - ON AVERAGE - each generation is getting taller due to better nutrition and healthcare.

  3. It just depends.

    I am quite a bit shorter than my mom.  My teenage son is taller than me and will probably be taller than his dad.  I don't think there's a cut-n-dried rule for it.

  4. i don't think it is always true. my whole family is tall but i'm only 4' 11" and yes this is wierd for me i'm 22. i guess i got the short gene in the family. anyway what i'm getting at is my sister is taller than my mom but only by like a centimeter. and my brother is shorter than my dad but again only by like a centimeter. i am the shortest in my family so...

  5. most of the time, yea but usually around the same height

  6. I doubt there is a hard and fast rule..However it is true in my family's case.

    Mom 5'4"  Me 5'8"

    Dad 6'1"   Brother 6'4"

  7. well, I'm 5'5" and my daughter (19) is 5'6"

    my husband is 6'0" but my son is only 5'2". But he's only 14 and hasn't entered puberty yet, so he has a lot of time to grow.

    Generally speaking, it looks like kids do end up slightly taller than their parents.

  8. I think that happens most of the time.

    The children grow taller than the parents....and then the children tease the parents about it.....LOL

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