
Growing tips for autumn and winter?

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Which plants are good for planting and growing in the autumn and colder months, either outside, or indoors, in windows etc. I am in north UK.

I am interested in any species, even those which will not see life until well into the following year.




  1. Fruit orchards and vegetable gardens are natural home additions for people who have green thumbs and like to use fresh foods in the kitchen. Over summer, warm-season plants thrive with the presence of warmth and light, while winter offers a slightly more challenging growing environment. If you're planting in autumn for winter gardens, choose the right fruits and vegetables for successful growing. You can grow Radishes, Peaches, and Carrots etc.  University of Illinois states that radishes are cool-season, fast-growing and easy-to-grow vegetables. These root crops are part of a larger group, including rutabagas, potatoes and turnips, which can thrive in winter gardens. Plant a winter-specific variety of radish in late summer to early fall, in full sun, quick-draining soil and at depths of 1/4 to 1/2 inch. Radishes will grow through fall and into winter to provide winter crops for the kitchen. Although peaches are spring bloomers and summertime fruiters, they are stone fruit trees and require a cold period during the winter to set buds and produce fruit. An often-overlooked fact is the pits also need a period of cold stratification to germinate, which makes autumn an ideal time for peach pit planting. Put pits in areas where they'll receive full sun all year, with good drainage and fertile soil, and allow the pit to break open and root over the winter for its spring growth. This cold hardiness means peaches will survive through the winter in most areas, to grow and bloom in spring and summer. According to the Carrot Gardening Tips homepage, carrots are some of the most popular home vegetables around. One reason for this popularity is that carrots grow in both summer and winter, and aren't overly picky about their environment. Choose winter-friendly variety of carrot for autumn plantings and winter growth, and find a site that gets full sun even in winter. Work the top 10 inches of the site with compost or peat moss to loosen it, and remove any rocks or weeds. Carrots can expand quickly, and appreciate plenty of room to grow.


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