
Growing tomatoes that won't ripen?

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I've been growing a tomato plant this summer and it has a bunch of green tomatoes on it. All the tomatoes grew really quickly, but in the past couple weeks have sort of plateaued, so that now I have a plant with a bunch of large green tomatoes on it that seemingly haven't grown or ripened at all in the last 3 weeks. There are a couple tomatoes in particular I've been watching, so I'm fairly certain nothing is eating the ripened ones while I'm at work or asleep. How long does it typically take for a tomato to grow? Am I just being impatient? Is there anything I can do to help the process along?




  1. Just wait, and enjoy some fried green tomatoes in the meantime.

  2. Dummy 81, ain't so dumb!!  tomatoes ripen at night!!  And usually the warmer the better!  You can cover them to keep the heat in, or you can pick them, bring the in the house, wrap them in newspaper and store them in a box.  They will be in a dark warm place and ripen relatively quickly.  Here in NJ, we have fresh tomatoes at Christmas time!!  At the end of the growing season, we just pick all the green tomatoes, wrap them and store them...if you put them in a cool place, they will not ripen as fast...So Christmas dinner has a fresh tomato salad!!

  3. Depends on which zone you are in, and what tomato variety it is, some ripen faster (cherry tomato) and some longer (beefsteak tomato). It is still July,  most will ripen in mid-August to September. They need warm nights to ripen, so if your area is cold at night, cover it after dark. Or just be patient, and wait a couple more weeks.

  4. Your being impatient. They will turn red before you know it and then you won't know what to do with them all. If it's any comfort mine are still green too. I would say from the time planted till  early to mid August before you get red tomatoes.

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