
Growing up, and becoming a man?

by  |  earlier

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i remember when i was 3-10 my thing would go up and down, all the way to my stomach and back down and up whenever i got horny.

why doesn't do that no more.

now it just stays straight, i can't get it too touch my stomach. it just points staright.

and how come i couldnt m********e before 11.

the first ttime i cummed, myy p***s movced up and down by itself and it just pushed it out. i didnt even know what that was, just that it felt good.

i also remember i got into this habit of masturbating. my p***s use to be solid, now it feels soft and i can curve and bend it some nomatter how horny i get.

is this normal




  1. you could be masturbating too much i am 13 and when i m********e alot  my p***s does not say up and as hard  

  2. quit jacking off, get a hobby, next will come blindness

  3. You havent mentioned your age now

  4. rest your p***s from masturbation and see if it gets better. You should be able to get a rock hard ***** at 15 years old about 20 times a day.

  5. Your p***s has probably grown and doesn't become as hard as it used to when it was smaller. Your ethnicity may play a part in this.

  6. Once a day masturbating, buddy. You are probably chaffing the h**l out of yourself.

    Poke a hole in a cantelope and go at it. LOL!

  7. That's part of your sexual organs developing.  Obviously, age 11 is just before puberty, and you can't m********e before puberty.  I think it is a normal growing process.  

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