
Growing up, what was?

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Your vision of marriage? Your thoughts and ideas and dreams?




  1. Exactly what i have been living for the past 10 years but needed a good kick in the pants to wake up that i am actually living my dreams. I dreamt of a good fun marriage, kids, little house to slowly make our own, dogs, camping holidays, weekends fishing, me cooking and cleaning and loving every minute of taking care of my family... Thats what i dreamt and thats what i live, i am so glad i didnt settle for anything less than my dreams... like many many people do.

  2. My dream of marriage was very old fashion. I wanted to be June Cleaver (you may be too young to know who she was). I wanted to stay at home raise my children and be the perfect homemaker. But life doesn't always deal you what you dream.

  3. vision of marriage.. a challenge. nothing is going to be perfect and it is something that you are always going to have to work at but it is going to be worth every minute of it.

    I'm not married yet but I know when I do get married I will be with that person for the rest of my life. someone to grow old with, fight with, discover new things with, enjoy each others company.. my best friend.

  4. A sense of  belonging without losing one's self in the process. To believe each other's capabilities and respect it. To be each other's inspiration and lasting intimacy.

  5. I come from a broken father abandoned my mother with 6 I didn't think much of marriage...When I was a teenager I didn't ever want to get married or have children...I am now on my second marriage and have 4 children who I love with every fiber in my being....Just goes to show should NEVER say NEVER....

  6. My vision of marriage was my husband working me with the kids. Me being there for him and cooking cleaning and all the womanly duties!  

  7. To have an equal partner to face lifes challanges with.  Someone who loves me always unconditionally.  Someone who will always be there to help me without me needing to ask.  Being a team.  A family.  Life didnt deal me those cards in marriage though, as it turned out.

  8. A partnership with love and happiness.  But I realised you dont need to be married to have that.  

  9. I never thought that I would get married. My grandmother always told me that no one would want to marry me but I do now have an amazing husband. Marriage to me is work, compromise and happiness. I believe that today marriage is something that a lot of people toss around like a soccer ball. They dont take it seriously, they think that just because you have one little issue like paint color or what rug to buy that you need to run out and get a divorce. I understand that they are some times where divorce is needed but I did say for better or for worse and until the worse gets to where its totally, absolutely horrible I am sticking with it.  

  10. I don't think I gave much thought to marriage growing up. I had other things on my mind.
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