
Growing up in T&T....?

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What was some of the antics allyuh parents used to pull when they wanted to get freaky?

You know long time when we used to get rain is not this kinda jokey rain we getting now, is rain, lightning and thunder for days upon days!! Well is only when l get big l realise that everytime it raining daddy & tanty used to disappear inside for hours (while l tiefing evthing to eat in sight heh heh). Wha's allyuh stories!




  1. whey jed !! i now see de light !!!!!!!!!!

    DAZ WHAT DEM USED TO DO ......... NAHHHHHHH MAN !!! oooooooh geeeeed !!! all this time i well saying i was lucky  cuda ride bike in de rain do wha de ar$e i want


    yuh jes wrong jed wrong !!!

    Note to self LOCK DE d**n DOOR !!


    jed is b b bul bull dey was bulling ohhh geeed now yuh make meh say it !!

  2. hahahh..oh god .. I remember I walk een on my grandparents once.. oh god.. I so wish I didn't see that..& to this day I could still remember it.. position & all..cuz me with meh fass self eh knock on d door and i juss walk een and see some serious gouti position happenin. ..oh jeez..and instead of me running away like most chirren wit do.. i stann up dey like d little maco dat I was & juss watch.. I think meh foot dem was stick tuh d ground.. I cudn't move..and dem only yellin at me and tellin me tuh close d door...

    I walk in on my mom when I was 12.. I really wish my family would learn to lock the flikkin door jed..steups..

    well is dem fault..dem know i macocious arready and if i see somethin, I go stann up dey & why dem cudn't lock d door..esp since dey kno I was a chile who didn't kno bout knockin (i geh enuff boof fuh dat).. I enter first, and knock

    LMAOOOOOOOOOOO@ Jouvert..oh god gyul..LOL..hahahhhahahah ah deaddin LOL

  3. Oh GAAAD! Me eh wanta tink about dat!!!!! Ewww....meh belly going tuh backfire on me now oui! This is why I ALWAYS lock my door and ah done tell de hubs dat when we start buildin de new house, we room go be downstairs FAR away from de chirren. Dem doh need tuh see de horrors mine eyes have seen!


    Julien, ah tink we need tuh start a support group now yes!

  4. hahaaaa, oh gosh, ah deadin wit them answers!!!!

    allyuh does kill me yes!!

    i doh really have any stories, but with them answers, this deserve ah star yes!!!

  5. I must have been deaf and dumb as a comments from the peanut gallery please.....because I was totally unaware of my parents "frennin". Never hear and never see. Dat is ting to send mankind to therapy yes!

    Well, I never walk een on meh parents but  was badlucky enough to waltz een on meh uncle and he gyul.

    Hear de talk:

    I was outside playing in de rain and see a duck. Now allyuh have to know, Jouvert does get real excited for little sh*t.

    I was so happy to see dis blame duck....(now dat I looking back, I have NO idea why eh)

    But I was so elated  that OF COURSE  I wanted to share my joy with the world! Since the world was unavailable, I figured dem in de house would do.

    So yuh gyul bounce een de house bawling to de top ah she lungs " I see a duck! I see a duck!"

    Ah digs in the bedroom and throw open de door still proclaiming the duck sighting only to see dem in action. Both of dem just turn and watch meh.

    Suddenly the duck news was unimportant as I was preparing for my imminent burial as I did DEAD with shame!

  6. ewwwwwwwww!  not a thought I want in my head right now - but at least ah know what do do as my kids get older (find a hotel lol!!)
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