
Growing up!?

by Guest63208  |  earlier

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something weird is happening! ive just turned 18 and although i doubt that has anything to do with it I keep getting all these maternal feelings, and i keep thinking that id be a great mum and how I want to have kids and make sure they have amazing lives- like now..

but i dont want kids yet at all! does anyone else/has anyone else felt like this before?! its so confusing i just like to go out and have a good time but i keep looking forward to having a family... :)

also what age do you think is best to have kids?




  1. I think that is both a hormonal thing and a subconcious thing. Hormonal because people have been ingesting growth hormones in mass quantity from the beef (look it up,.. they really put that c**p in the beef) and now girls have been getting their periods at age 11, even 8 instead of 16-18 like they used to. You're body's maturity has been excelerated to the point of procreation before 20, rather than 25-30 as it should be. Also, there are hundreds of teen pregnancies in the U.S. and babies everywhere (this is actually a mini-baby boom) and you are basically feeling "monkey see, monkey do." Just keep those feelings in check and stay the course. Go to college, get married, and then consider having children. Get a pet until then.

  2. I think most women have these feelings from time to time.  It's time for you to have fun and start finding yourself.  Go to school, get a good job, a stable income and create a stable and nurturing environment before having a baby.  Finding a father would probably be nice too.  Only you can know when the best time for you to start a family is, but most women are waiting till their 30's now.  They're more mature and patient, and have established themselves in their careers.  Get a pet, all the love with one-tenth the responsibility.=) Good luck!

  3. I just had my first child and Im 23. I got preg at 22. I think ur ready and financially set at that age then go for it. The feelings u may be having are completly normal. I used to want all that but never said Yea I want a baby and now I have one and I couldnt be any more happier..

  4. Maternal feelings are 100% natural. Some woman have feelings stronger then others, none the less, if those feelings were not there, were would the human race be?

    Having kids comes down to personal preference. When you do have kids, things in your life will have to go on hold. Schooling and your career are two main things. Now, you won't be fired for taking maternity leave, however you could miss out on special training that may lead to advancement. So schooling and your career should be taken into consideration for the longer you wait, the more financial stable you will be.

    However, as a woman, you don't want to wait to long. I think I read somewhere that after 37, it gets more complicated. Still possible, but higher risks. Also remember, the younger you are when you have kids, the more energy you have for your kids. So you might not have the cash to by designer clothes for your child, you will be able to provide him/her with a rich life of memories.

    Now, personally, as a guy, I would like my wife, when I meet her, to start having a family between 26 and 29. This I hope would give her enough time to complete school and be two years into her career. I would like to be between the age of 28-31 however. But thats mostly because of my career path that I'm just starting and the traveling that I'll be doing for the next 3 years.

  5. no

    the best age to have kids is 23or24-wt u decide
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