
Growing wisdom teeth break another weaker tooth?

by  |  earlier

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So, about a year ago I lost a chunk of a filling to a "Now and Later" chew. I haven't had health insurance at my job and because of things being tight I haven't had a way to go the dentist. Now I'm growing in my wisdom tooth right behind the one with the falling out filling. Since it's been starting to come in. I keep finding pieces of filling and tooth in my mouth. Is there a possibility that it could actually break my tooth or something?




  1. Well, it sounds like you've answered your own question. It's already breaking bits of tooth and filling off so I'd go and get it checked out before it gets any worse. You might well need the tooth with the filling capped or even your wisdom teeth out (quite common).

  2. I had a molar who's filling had fallen out and I have all FOUR of my wisdom teeth coming in. They cracked that sucker in two. Was eating a sandwich and swallowed half my tooth. I had the first two pulled and a crown put on the cracked tooth. The wisdom teeth hurt way less than the root canal! That was major hurting!!! I 've got to work myself up to get the last two out because I keep getting ear infections from it because it has swollen my ear canal and I get water behind the swelling. I'm worried about them cracking the molars on the other side of my mouth. Dental insurance is the worst in this counrty. They will offer you regular insurance before they pay to have your teeth pulled, go figure. I hope you get it taken care of soon. Good luck!

  3. The wisdom tooth could trouble the neighbouring tooth only if it is erupting in an angle that causes trouble.. ie., towards the fractured filled tooth. Yes, the peices you feel in your mouth could be of the filling and wen there is an empty space and you chew the tooth doesnt have strenght to bear it and it could break eventually. So its better to get your teeth checked soon ! Take care !

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