
Growth Problems! Has anyone ever...?

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not grown for over a year, and then started growing again?? like for example you stop growing at 16 and then start growing again later at 18 or something like that. Thanks guys




  1. Yes.

    I grew and matured very rapidly.  In seventh grade, I was a bit taller than most of my classmates, but not hugely.  Yet, when I weighed in for my freshman PE class I was 6 ft 0 in and 200 pounds!  Wow!

    I maintained this height through high school, but began a growth spurt in my senior year.  By my first year in college, I was 6 ft 1 in, but only 185 pounds.  

    My wife had a similar experience.  It is not unusual or anything to worry about.

  2. Puberty may not begin until age 16 in boys and continue in a desultory (random) fashion on past age 20

  3. sure, growing happens in spurts, and it can slow down and speed back up again. Everyone is different, though. I have a friend who stopped growing in 5th grade, who knows if she'll start again.....?

  4. Guys usually stop growing at 18 but up to that age your growth is not necessarily even and can at times be erratic so if you stop growing at 16 hopefully it is only a temporary stop and growth will resume.

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