
Grr...HELP! volleyball overhand serve!!!?

by Guest57768  |  earlier

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So here's the deal everyone-

I used to be REALLY good at overhand serving. I started getting nervous about volleyball tryouts so I began practicing EVERY day- and I think I over did it. I have forgotten and flawed my overhand serve! I used to consistently send it sailing straight forward and over- but now it veers to the left or right too much! And sometimes it even flies out of bounds!!! what could my problem be????? here is how I serve it:

1. straddle legs, with the left leg forward

2. put both hands on ball(which is in extended arms)

3. take hitting hand off, bend legs slightly

4. put hitting arm in an upside-down 90 degree angle above shoulder

5. toss ball about 3 feet above head and 1 foot in front of me

6. hit ball with heel of hand and step right leg forward through the hit

I REALLY can't detect what I am doing wrong! PLEASE help me! I am extremely frustrated- I have practiced every day for 1 year to make the team this year, and I will NOT let my overhand stop me!




  1. to your hitting should be above your head...if you hit it by your ear its bound to go straight into the net. so when you hit, make sure its above your head. then snap your wrist and you got a down ball

  2. try to focus on your toss and how you hit the ball. your toss is one of the most important things in serving if you have to reach ofr the ball in any way redo your toss until you get it right (when you practice atleast). then the way you hit the ball with your hand. you said that you hit it with the heel of your hand. that might be our problem because the heel of your hand is curved and has less impact space which will make it harder to control the ball. try having your hand flat and your fingers together sort of like a hit. you can even flick your wrist a little. and ALWAYS follow through after you serve. the last thing i can "see" is to hit the ball nearest the center even if you want it to go -say to the right- just hit it a small amount out to the right then when you would want the ball to go to the center. good luck!

  3. it goes right and left ??? thats because you are not hitting the ball with all your hand only a part of it and if you are tossing the ball to the left or right or infront of you too much will go in a diff. direction

  4. I agree with the above answers.  Your toss sounds like the problem.  Try to toss it in front of your right shoulder.  If your toss is in front of your head, you will reach over and hit it to your left.  If you toss it too far outside your shoulder, you will reach out and hit it to your right.  You can have someone stand behind you and check it out.  

    Good luck.

  5. Ok, it sounds like you have some basic fundamental problems.  The very first thing is your toss you want to toss the ball as high as your arm can reach and hit it at its peak.  Also you want your toss to land just to the right side of your right foot, not a foot in front of you.  When you make contact with the ball you need to hit it with the palm of your hand.  Make sure that you hand is tight and you make good solid contact with the ball.  Try not to bring your right foot forward to far and remember to always keep your body square to your target.

  6. throw the ball around shoulder distance and when it reaches the highest point of throw try and hit it. hit it HARD so it will get over

  7. Ok, maybe you should try not throwing the ball so far in front of you and hit it more with the center of your hand, but more towards the bottom, hope i help!

    Good Luck =D

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