
Grrr. I give up! BFN 2 days prior to AF- anyone else have it and still be preggers? ?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I'm a bigger girl, and had no problems conceiving my daughter. Of course, now that we're trying, I can't seem to not have a crapload of symptoms up to 2 weeks before AF and it's driving me nuts. I'm getting nausea, headaches, prominent veins in my ladies, which are more sensitive than normal, I was hot for quite a while when I'm normally freezing all the time. I know how the tests work, and all that, so what I'm really looking for is first hand experience. I took a dollar general test today and got a BFN, and it's a 25 mg concentration, so it's only 5 mg over the lowest available on the market. I'm probably just imagining half of it in my fervor, or causing the symptoms myself and I know I need to relax and just have fun doing it. I'm just discouraged, and looking for others who've gone through it and still been pregnant. I've never had problems with my levels showing up before. GRRRRRR! I hate it all! Lol, not really, but you know what I mean. Who's with me?




  1. you still have 2 days

    you never know....

  2. well it is 2 days before ur af is wait a few days and take another :)

    **************loads of babydust************

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