
Grrr! Someone keeps messing with my Caaarrrrggghhh!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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over the last week or so someone has been peeling part of a political bumper sticker off of my car...i keep fixing the portion they damage with colored electrical tape, but they continue to re-damage it almost every morning before i am up... my question is, if i can catch them in the act on video/in a photo, what exactly can i sue/have them prosecuted for? personal property damage? free speech violations? mental anguish? can any lawyers help by suggesting the best ways for me to go after this oppressive coward???

Sincere thanks!




  1. Well, you have every right to free expression!

    However, somebody out there thinks that you don't.

    Somebody out there is petty and childish.

    Somebody out there is spending their time and effort to trying to take a bumper sticker off a car.

    Somebody out there may have mental problems.


    somebody out there may not stick to a petty little act like that.

    My advice is to swallow your anger and just remove the thing. I know it sucks and you shouldn't have to do it...but read above.

    Or somebody might just decide to do a bull**** prank and REALLY mess with your Caaarrrrggghhh.

  2. Take the fun out of it for them by peeling it off, that will really spoil their day.

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