
Grrr :[[[[ help.?????

by  |  earlier

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okie. so i have this friend who lives VERY far away. like not even in america and the only way i can talk to him is on myspace and aim. well he is my best friend like i love him but hes like my brother. he helped me through soo much and now he wants to delete his myspace and EVERYTHING!! facebook, stickam, aim. im trying to talk him out of it but he wont budge. if he deletes everything ill lose my best friend. what do i do???? :((((((




  1. All of the methods of communication that you mention are rather public.  Why don't you ask your friend for his address and try writing letters the old fashioned way?  That would be very private, which can be a great advantage sometimes.  You can share every thought and feeling then.  No one else needs to know or see.  There is no danger of strangers eavesdropping or picking up personal information, no spam, or any of that.  Let him know that you wish to keep in touch because he means a lot to you and suggest this option.  This also would allow him to control the rate of communication, which may be something he desires at this point.

  2. If he's your best friend there is always the phone or snail mail.  That's how we did it before personal computers.

    If he doesn't want to keep in touch, then he's not really your best friend.

  3. Maybe something has happened and he can no longer keep his internet service.  If so he may not want to say that for pride and all.  Ensure him that you and he can remain friends and communicate in other ways, yeas not a quick response, but you would still have a response.  Be sensitive after you say you love him, try to understand his reasons.

  4. There maybe some miss understanding between u both.The best would be to write to him,as that is sure to reach him and clear up ever thing with him.Hope it helps
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