
Grrrr....This Stuff Sucks!!?

by  |  earlier

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What bugs me and upsets me about my current relationship --->

He will get mad over the DUMBEST stuff!!! Today I was on AIM with him just talking about my computer disk drive needing to be fixed because I accidently ran into it 2 times. I was saying how I can't afford to get it replaced right now and stuff. He said "I'm going, ur complaining its getting kinda annoying." Then I said I wasn't complaining, but just talking. He said "that was complaning." Then I said: "What's wrong?" He said: "u bye"

Then I put up an away message. And he writes while I'm gone: "ur complaining annoyed me. omg you just get up and leave."

Then he texts me and says that he's mad because I just left and all this. And he said that it was rude of me to just leave. Then all I said next was: "You weren't too nice either. Now we're even. I'm sorry (his name)!" Then he says that I called him a d**k. He said that waht I said was basically caling him that name. And I said: "I would never call you that name! Ever!"

Haven't heard from him since. At like 3:28 PM.

He's gonna be 20 in Oct. and I just turned 26.

What's going on here?? It sucks!!




  1. first of all, I'm so sorry this happened to you. boys can be kinda annoying at time (that's an understatement). however, this guy really takes the cake. I don't know if this is what you want to do, but I would either straighten him out and make him understand that he's the problem in your relationship, or just forget him. He's not good enough for you at the moment, and if he doesn't love you enough to change for you, then forget him. Best of luck.  

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