
Guacamole recipes anyone?

by  |  earlier

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ive never been a fan of guacamole, but yesterday i had tried some that absolutely blew my mind. it was a sweet flavor so if anyone could help by giving me a recipe id love that so much!




  1. when choosing an avacado.. find one that is not too soft, and not too hard.. hold it and try to squeeze it gently.. if it gives a bit easily and doesnt have any weird soft spots alone and not having mold at the end tip. then its just right.. a hard one wont blend up nice and a super soft one will be rotten..

    it takes practice finding the perfect avacodo..

    I use two medium ones.. peel, toss the pit.. and mush with a potato masher in a bowl.. I add juice from one whole lemon (or two small limes)..

    I add 1/4 cup minced onion, and 1 crushed garlic clove

    I add 1/4 cup or scant 1/4 cup of chopped cilantro leaves..  and about 1/4 cup of minced/chopped finely tomato...

    add some salt.

    if you like it spicy.. I add two tablespoons of pace picante sauce.. or any of your favorite picante sauce.. or a couple dashes of liquid hot sauce.. like mild tabasco..

    stir well.. and enjoy!...

    this is a more chunky guacomole and not the creamy stuff you find in restaurants.. but I find it more like the real mexican recipe...

  2. avocado,

    chop up garlic and onion really tiny

    chop up tomatoes

    add some lemon or lime juice,

    a little paprika

    Mix it all together!

    If you like it spicy (i dont) you can either chop up a pepper, or just mix in some pre-made salsa that you know you like.

    I loveeee guacamole!

  3. 2 avacados, 3 tomatoes, a teaspoon of chopped garlic. teaspoon of lemon juice.. mix in maybe a 1/2 cup of mircle whip or less.. buy the chopped garlic in a jar at the dollar store.. just makes life a little easier and it just doesn't taste right without the garlic  : )

  4. i agree with the first answer, but dont forget to add a bit of salt and a little pepper.  also, i find if you put the avocados in a bowl and cut them up into small chunks you get a better consistancy than if you pureed it.  but it is all personal preference and a matter of how much effort you want to expend.  personally i think it takes more effort to clean a food processor than chopping, plus chopping the avocados with the rest of the ingredients mixes them together.   pick  avocados that are not firm, but are very tender to the touch, like squeezing ripe tomatos, the sides should push in.  cut them in half, pop out the seed, and scoop out with a spoon.  Ultra easy!

  5. Try a sweet pea guacamole.  :)  If you are not a huge avocado fan, this is the way to go!  :)



    1 cup fresh shelled green peas (about 3/4 pound)

    1 large ripe avocado, peeled and seeded

    1/3 cup minced green onions

    1/4 cup bottled salsa

    1 1/2 tablespoons fresh lime juice

    1 teaspoon hot sauce

    1/2 teaspoon ground cumin

    4 cilantro sprigs

    2 garlic cloves

    84 baked tortilla chips

    Steam peas, covered, 4 minutes or until tender. Combine peas and next 8 ingredients (peas through garlic) in a food processor or blender, and pulse until just combined. Serve guacamole with tortilla chips.

    Note: Frozen green peas may be substituted for fresh.  

  6. 3 ripe Avocados

    3T lime juice

    1/2t salt

    1 small red onion minced

    1 small tomato peeled,seeded and chopped fine

    1 clove garlic minced

    1 small jalapeno seeded,membrane removed and minced

    1 t finely chopped cilantro

    mash avocado and mix in lime juice and salt.add remaining ingredients....

  7. Ingredients

    2 avocados, peeled, stones removed, roughly chopped

    4 green onions, thinly sliced

    1 tomato, finely diced

    1/4 cup coriander leaves, finely chopped

    1 lime, juiced


    Place avocado in a shallow dish and mash with a fork until smooth. Add onions, tomato, coriander, 2 tablespoons lime juice and salt and pepper. Stir until well combined. Cover surface with plastic wrap. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

    Notes & tips

    Guacamole will keep, covered, in the fridge for up to 3 days.

    Variation: For a creamier taste, add 1/4 cup sour cream.

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