
Guam- where to look online for jobs in Guam? or there any special rules for working there?

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I would like to live there for a year and wanted to see what the job options are. I am a US citizen.




  1. Guam is a part of the USA so it would be no different than moving and working in any American state or city. There are no special rules or paper work as it is a part of the USA. Guam is the 51st state in everything but name.  

    Being an island in the middle of nowhere, Guam regularly suffers from "brain drain" as the young and educated often leave to the "bright lights" in one of the states.

    The main industry is tourism -- Guam is a tourist mecca for East Asians, particularly tourists from Japan.

    The 2nd largest industry is the military -- Guam is a major military hub; as they say, Guam is the "tip of the American spear."

    Guam always has a shortage of doctors and teachers.

    As for the guy who wrote: "Most of the local government jobs are only for locals."

    That is totally not true. What is a local? It's a person who lives in Guam. So if you live in Guam you are a "local." And of course you have to be a local to work in Guam as who is going to hire someone who doesn't even live on the island and so can't even show up for work. Now, if you work through the internet, then you don't need to live on Guam.

    Regarding the internet, I would try the want ads at the two Guam newspapers:

    Pacific Daily News:

    Marianas Variety:

    I would also try the Guam Phone Book:

    How to use the phone book: Find companies that work in the field that you are interested in working in, then see if they have a website listed in the phonebook, of you can google them to see if they have a website, and then at their website see if they list their current job openings. And if their e-mail address is listed in the phone book or at their website, you can just send them an e-mail inquiring about any job openings. And you can always just call them up via phone to ask them if they have any job openings. If you do that, take note of the major time difference. Guam is a day ahead of the US mainland, Hawaii and Alaska.

    Guam is often described as "America's best kept secret."

    And it's true. It is America's best kept secret.

    You should come. Good luck to you.

  2. If you are coming from the mainland it's best to find a job before you go. I will place some links for you to click on at the bottom of the page. Most of the local government jobs are only for locals. But some privet companies pay well and will fly you in and help you get an apartment. The most important thing for you is to sign an employment contract before you go or have a detailed job description that includes salary and promised benefits. Guam is very expensive. It's US territory but labor laws are different then the mainland there is no unemployment benefits there keep that in mind. Good luck.


  3. cool. guam is awesome. depends on where you want to work. if you have a degree in something start checking into the jobs in guam

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