
GuardDog Hard Guards?

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Hi i have the GuardDog Pearlz and i want to wash them b/c on the inside they are very dirty... anyone knows how to wash them??




  1. You just rinse them with water (don't worry it wont rust), if it is really bad then you can use an old toothbrush to clean it. To prevent them from getting that bad again rinse them around once a week. It is important to keep them clean because the dirt can be very gritty and dull or chip your blades.

  2. Find a small object, such as a toothbrush as mentioned, and clean inside. You might night get it all out, but simply wipe your blades after you take them off to make sure nothing rubbed off onto them. I always wipe my blades before and after skating.

    Blades wear out eventually so make sure you do replace them when necessary. And while you're at it, make sure you're soakers are clean too. That's what your blades sit in most of the time. Just dampen them and scrub clean. I'd recommend handwashing.

  3. use a toothbrush u dont need anymore!
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